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Added topic No charts on Android app
I suddenly can't see any charts on the Android app. I can log in and see my account info including balance and transaction history. I can even place orders as usual. The chart section though only shows a black screen with three big black and white
Added topic What is the order of orders?
When I select orders with OrderSelect(), the manual says, "Sorting of the resulting list of orders cannot be guaranteed." OK. But can I at least rely on their opening times or ticket numbers? Is it guaranteed that newer ones will always have larger
Added topic Variable struct names
This code doesn't work: struct LockStruct { int ticket; int locked; }; orderTicket1 = orderOpen( "buy" ); LockStruct orderTicket1 = {orderTicket1, 1 }; 'orderTicket1' - constant expression required declaration of
Added topic How do I access the 0th dimension of an array?
I actually avoid coming here, but I've spent 90 minutes trying to solve this big mystery with no success because the documentation absolutely does not help and all examples I find are very complex, seemingly going out of their way to avoid the
Added topic Comparing negative numbers
if (ProfitToday() <= MaxLoss) { Print ( "Exceeded. ProfitToday is: " + ProfitToday() + " MaxLoss " + MaxLoss);} The Print log says: Exceeded. ProfitToday is: -1.14 MaxLoss -10 I am confused. I thought -1.14 was > -10. But
Added topic Doing math with MODE_POINT
I do realize I am doing something stupid, but I'm not quite sure of what and why. I want to get the average size of candles. So I take say, the last 500 candles and measure their bodies with MathAbs (Open[i] - Close[i]); I add them all up. Then I
Added topic How do I make "draggable" lines?
When I add a horizontal line from the drawing tools menu, I can drag that line. When I add a horizontal line from an EA, I can't drag it. How are they different? Why can I drag one but not the other
Added topic How can I "invalidate" an already used Ichimoku Cloud situation?
I tried to make an EA based on Ichimoku Clouds and soon ran into a silly mistake. When all the conditions are met, the EA opens a trade. For example, long. If you're familiar with Ichimoku Clouds, you know what those conditions are. So the trade hits
Added topic OrderClose fails in Tester - error 138 (requote)
for (i = total - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { if (! OrderSelect (i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue ; if (OrderCloseTime() != 0 ) continue ; if (OrderSymbol() != _Symbol )
Added topic Can BuyStop/SellStop be trusted?
I have an EA that only places orders of the BuyStop/SellStop type and only integer values. Of course the variable type has to be double, but the value is always an integer. When the price is touched, the order goes live. In one of my brokers, that
Added topic How do I extract the integer without rounding?
If I have 159.8 I want 159, not 160. MathFloor(), MathCeil() and even NormalizeDouble(number, 0) will round the number. Is there any function that will just drop the fraction and give me the integer without rounding
Added topic Internet connection not working
I have two Internet connections. One of them is working fine. It's just a little slower. The primary one can log on to my brokers (two brokers) and update all the data in the charts, but I can't place or close any orders. When I try to open an order
Added topic MT4 works with demo but not real account
I have a demo account and a real account with a broker. They both work fine. Now, new broker. I also have two demo accounts with this new broker. They work fine. I opened a real account with the new broker. I click "Login to Trade Account," fill it
Added topic Can I get ticks from multiple pairs in one EA/chart?
I have an EA with a routine that runs OnTick(). It monitors the current chart's pair. But I want the same EA to check other pairs too. The problem is, the routine only runs OnTick() by the current chart's ticks. It can't see ticks in other pairs. Or
Added topic What is the formula of iEnvelopes deviation?
I know the MODE_MAIN value is an ordinary moving average . What about UPPER and LOWER? What is the formula for calculating the percent deviation? I know how to use it in MT4. Now I want to know how it is calculated
Added topic Mysterious moving averages
My broker only provides history for some past period. But scrolling MetaTrader allows me to go past that, including moving averages . How can MT show data and plot a chart including moving averages of history data that is not available? Let's say the
Added topic Is the tick history file encrypted?
I just noticed Startegy Tester tells me this: 2022.11 . 11 10 : 44 : 03.678 TestGenerator: actual tick file "{installation folder}\tester\history\EURUSD60_0.fxt" found I tried to open that file, but I can't. Is there some way to convert or extract
Added topic Time is relative. So are timeframes?
I want to collect some historical data: TF = 60 ; NumberOfBars = 1000 ; datetime When = iTime ( _Symbol , TF, NumberOfBars); void Collect() { Date = IntegerToString (TimeYear(When)) + "-" + IntegerToString (TimeMonth(When)) +
Added topic EAs work in one machine, not in the other
I installed MT4 in a new machine. I copied one EA over from the first machine to the Experts folder in the second machine. Just the ex4 compiled code. No source. The EA ran for two days. It still does. Good. Then I decided to copy another EA. That EA
Added topic I need a second OnDeinit
Maybe my problem is unusual, but it's certainly complicated, and I admit I painted myself into a corner. I have an include file called AllMyFunctions.mqh. All my EAs begin by 'including' that file. Some EAs maye have ad hoc functions, but most