
Manual backtester for MT5????

Does anyone know if there is software available that allows for MANUAL backtesting in MT5? I know MT5 has the Strategytester to backtest automated strategies but I would like to test Semi Automated strategies where I manually place discretionary trades. I was looking for something that does chart

Metatrader 5 and Options Trading with Expert Advisors

I understand that you can trade options in Metatrader 5, but can Expert Advisors be used on options in the same way they can be used on other instruments? I searched but couldn't find any info. Any help is appreciated

Help needed grouping orders together when Spread Trading?

Does anyone know if there is any type of EA or Trade Manager that allows grouping of orders to see the individual Net P&L of multiple spread trades? Because when trading one spread pair (two instruments) it's okay, but when trading multiple spread pairs it becomes impossible to tell what the net

MT5 Alerts Question

Does anyone know if there is a way in MT5 to have popup reminders to alert traders when a commodity contract is about to expire? Any help is appreciated

Help with MT5 Keyboard Shortcuts

I know I can use Ctrl/Shift + F5, to move between profiles , but that requires two hands. I'd like to be able to scroll between tabs just by using the keyboard arrow keys on my laptop. If someone can let me know if it is possible to reassign hotkeys and if so how to do it I'd appreciate it. Thanks

Question about MT5 Non Hedging and Scaling Out Positions

If I am using MT5 with a non hedging account , and I would like to partially scale out of a current position how is that handled since a non hedging account won't allow orders on the server in the opposite direction of my current position? Any info is greatly appreciated as I am about to hire a

Question About Custom Buttons

Is it possible to create parameters for an EA to hide buttons that are part of chart buttons/panel? I'd like to find a way to hide panel buttons that are not being used. For example if I have a Buy, Sell, Close, etc clickable chart panel buttons, but I only want to show the BUY button on the chart