Looking at the larger picture, it should be obvious to the advanced trader that bitcoin price has likely reached an area of consolidation...
  • 230
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17 May 2015, 13:44 #bitcoin
From my last post in BTCUSD where I highlighted a rally pattern, the time expired but there is a NEW signal emerged...
Weekly Trends
  • 121
  • 4
13 May 2015, 08:53 #bitcoin
Very interesting bitcoin price movement BTCUSD breakout on the chart. Let’s see if the higher low holds. Bullish trend and buy signal if cracks 235...
Weekly Trends
  • 130
  • 1
3 February 2015, 14:14 #bitcoin
My guess is it will go up dramatically using Elliott wave prediction and fib pattern. So far it seems to be fitting the projections. Bitcoin Price trends movements always have Long - Neutral and Short probabilities, even large moves have intermediate intervals...
Weekly Trends
  • 293
  • 2
18 October 2014, 17:36 #Elliott Waves, bitcoin
Present a case for a rally. What will make people pay more for Bitcoins? What is the reason people will pay up for something like Bitcoin? The prospect of income? The prospect of safety? The prospect of capital gain? I'm very curious with this bitcoin price prediction...
  • 304
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18 October 2014, 17:06 #bitcoin
Follow this bullish pattern closely - see how to trade the bitcoin reversal trend with Elliot Wave and bitcoin price projection...
Trading Ideas
  • 106
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18 October 2014, 13:52 #bitcoin
Chart BITCOIN trading sell signal, H1 timeframe, 2014.10.15 12:37 UTC, SafeCap Investments broker, MetaTrader 4, Waves Data wave1 5101.0 pips Wave2 3343.6 pips 65.5 % from Wave 1 Wave3 8199.6 pips 160.7% from Wave1 Wave4: 4336.8 pips 52.9% from Wave3 Wave5 6436.8 pips 78...
Wave Count
  • 534
  • 3
15 October 2014, 17:25 #bitcoin
The main take away from this bitcoin charts is the irrationally euphoric parabolic rise and subsequent "fall from grace". This momo bitcoin pattern can be seen in so many 2000 tech stocks and more recently AAPL or TSLA...
  • 287
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11 October 2014, 16:44 #bitcoin
The blow off phase is the bitcoin bubble phase. The decline in bitcoin price will start off slow; it may even increase a bit after an initial selloff. But as the bearish speeds up because of uncertainty and fear, so does the price decline of bitcoin...
  • 372
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11 October 2014, 16:22 #bitcoin
Since the BTCUSD market's been holding lower highs the trading strategy has been to short bitcoin major support breaks with good risk reward down to next major price levels. Now let's see ... the bitcoin buy signals outlook...
Trading Strategies
  • 106
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6 October 2014, 12:26 #bitcoin