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Sherif Hasan
Published post June 2016 Spanish unemployment -124.3k vs -100k exp
June 2016 Spanish unemployment report 4 July 2016 Prior -119.8k Registered unemployed falls to the lowest since Sep 2009, leaving 3.77m unemployed. There's some seasonality involved as the tourist sector often ramps up hiring for the holiday season...
Sherif Hasan
Published post June 2016 UK Markit/CIPS construction PMI 46.0 vs 50.5 exp
June 2016 UK Markit/CIPS construction PMI data report 4 July 2016 Prior 51.2 Housing activity 43.8 vs 51.0 prior The headline drops to the lowest since June 2009 and the first contraction. since April 2013 New orders and residential construction to the lowest since Dec 2012...
Sherif Hasan
Published post BOC Q2 senior loan officer survey 23.9 vs 6.6 prior
Bank lending standards survey from the Bank of Canada Credit conditions tightened Conditions tightest since 2009 Pricing 12.6 vs 5.2 prior Non-pricing conditions 35.2 vs 7.6 prior...
Sherif Hasan
Published post BOC Q2 business outlook futures sales 5.00 vs 16.00 prior
Highlights of the Bank of Canada business outlook survey Prior was 16.00 Prospects 'remain dim' among energy-related firms Prospects are more solid outside the affected oil regions and sectors Sees further investment cuts at oil companies...
Sherif Hasan
Published post Commodity currencies ramp to fresh highs
Brexit moves now a memory The commodity currencies were tossed out with the Brexit result but the market has subsequently had second thoughts. The New Zealand dollar is leading the way and has essentially erased Brexit decline with five consecutive days of gains. A close above 0...
Sherif Hasan
Published post European stocks sag to start the week
Closing changes for the main bourses: German DAX -0.7% UK FTSE -0.8% French CAC -0.9% Italy MIB -1.7...
Sherif Hasan
Published post May 2016 Eurozone PPI 0.6% vs 0.3% exp m/m
Details from the May 2016 Eurozone PPI data report 4 July 2016 Prior -0.3% -3.9% vs -4.1% exp y/y. Prior -4.4% Energy prices rose 1.7% and I'd suggest we're now going to start seeing the rise in oil prices being reflected in price data. In the 28 states it rose 2.8% vs -0.4% prior...
Sherif Hasan
Published post German vehicle registrations show no fear of Brexit in June
Another solid jump in y/y vehicle registrations noted by the KBA Total registrations 8.4% vs 11.5% prior y/y YTP 7.0% vs 6.7% prior From the breakdown; Car registrations +8.3...
Sherif Hasan
Published post USD/CAD nears 61.8% retracement of the Brexit rally
USD/CAD technical analysis The commodity currencies are the top performers today and that's pushed USD/CAD down 50 pips to 1.2862. The pair has been in a steady downtrend since rising over 1.31 last Monday. The declines continues to eat into the Brexit rally and now the 61.8% retracement at 1...
Sherif Hasan
Published post The words of an emotional trader
Learning how to read charts, having access to the right technology, negotiating the best broker fees, these are all important factors for a new trader to get started on the right foot, but the most crucial factor, which is often overlooked is learning to keep your emotions in check...
Sherif Hasan
Published post USD/JPY Forecast July 4-8
USD/JPY showed some movement last week, but closed almost unchanged at 102.46. This week has seven events. Here is an outlook on the major events moving the yen and an updated technical analysis for USD/JPY. The yen settled down last week, after posting strong gains after the Brexit vote...
Sherif Hasan
Published post GBP/USD Forecast July 4-8
GBP/USD posted sharp gains last week, dropping over 200 points. The pair closed at 1.3246. This week’s highlights are PMI reports and Manufacturing Production. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for GBP/USD...
Sherif Hasan
Published post USD/CAD Forecast July 4-8
The Canadian dollar enjoyed a strong week ,as USD/CAD fell 160 points. The pair closed at 1.2868. This week’s key event is Employment Change. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for USD/CAD. Canadian GDP posted a small gain of 0...
Sherif Hasan
Added poll Which economic theme influenced your trades the most in Q2 2016?
  • 62% (13)
  • 14% (3)
  • 24% (5)
Total voters: 21
Sherif Hasan
Added poll What's your current trading bias on the Aussie dollar?
  • 27% (6)
  • 23% (5)
  • 18% (4)
  • 0% (0)
  • 5% (1)
  • 27% (6)
Total voters: 22
Sherif Hasan
Published post Economic Snapshot: Australia
G’day, forex mates! Another RBA statement is heading our way this Tuesday (July 5, 4:30 am GMT), so get up to speed on how the Australian economy is faring by reading up on another edition of my Economic Snapshot...
Sherif Hasan
Published post Top 3 Economic Themes That Influenced Forex Price Action in Q2 2016
Welcome to the second half of the year! Can you believe we only have another six months to go this year? Let’s take a quick look at the major economic themes that rocked the forex markets in Q2 2016 to complete your H1 2016 analyses...
Sherif Hasan
Published post Forex News Trading Strategy for the 4th – 8th of July
Investors are still in the process of sorting out the ramifications of the surprise pro “Brexit” vote which created extreme volatility in the markets...
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Stefania Conti - New Ethical Trading Ltd.
Comment to topic Traders Joking
Yes. We must learn from this road in India
Traders Joking
Sherif Hasan
Published post AUD/USD Forecast July 4-8
AUD/USD had an uneventful week and posted modest gains. This week’s highlights are Retail Sales and the Cash Rate. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for AUD/USD. There were no major Australian releases last week...