
What is the meaning of the term non-lagging (in relation to the indicator)?

Do you need one at all? If it is not lagging, then it will react to small price movements and will give a lot of false signals. Or does it mean that it does not react to these small movements, but does not lag when a significant movement starts? But is it possible

Help me find a laptop

I want to change my slow laptop. My desktop computer has a 3.3GHz i3 processor. Even though it's not new, I'm happy with its performance. Here I would like to pick up a laptop, so that the performance was not worse. Only here have looked at laptops even with i7 maximum clock speed 2.6 GHz. What do

For those who are convinced that all EAs with a martin are losing out.

Can we hope that this instance of an EA with a Martin will work without losing for several years? Can I trust this Expert Advisor with a large initial deposit? The tester optimizer was not used. The critical parameters were selected at random during several tester tests. I agree in advance with

Question on pair trading.

Dear experts and fans of paired trading, please explain and justify mathematically what is the advantage of EURUSD buy entry and GBPUSD sell entry compared to a single entry of EURGBP cross. And is there any advantage at all? Personally, I have my doubts on this point. If there is no advantage, then

For the consideration of professionals.

There is talk of maximum drawdown. It was suggested by someone that the tester was not measuring it correctly. I decided to check it. I wrote a code and added it to my Expert Advisor and ran it in the test mode . The results coincided with the tester. The code is provided below. Please reassess the

The triangles are advancing.

On the front page of the MQL4 forum, triangles are gaining ground from pentagons. Will there come a moment when they will displace them completely? :)))

What is your internet speed?

I have a low 0.63/0.5. Ping = 117ms. How about you? You can measure it here

Once again, about the lokas.

There are ardent supporters of loci. There are their opponents. Their difference seems to be that the supporters supposedly know how to destroy the locks, and their opponents do not know how. Perhaps it's true - who got used to that and uses it. In my opinion, the ability to destroy gaps is

Moderators! Will someone please stop sabluk. Littering all the threads with his pictures.

Wherever you go in the thread you have to pay for sabluk's pictures