
Is it possible to develop such a panel? Multiline edit box

Hi everyone, Do you know if there's a UI controls available to develop multi line text boxes? Thanks, Roy

Funds withdraw using Telegram code

Dear all, Any idea how to register my Telegram for receiving confirmation code instead of a mobile device? I don't have access to my number anymore and can't change it in my profile . Thank you, Roy

How long it takes for the service desk to answer?

Dear all, From your experience, how long it takes until the service desk answers? I am waiting for more than a week now. Thanks

URLDownloadToFileW doesn’t work on VPS

perhaps you can help, the following function usage works properly on my local pc but fails on my vps: #import “urlmon.dll” int URLDownloadToFileW(int pCaller,string szURL,string szFileName,int dwReserved,int Callback); #import I am trying to use it to read a price and display it as part of an

Anyone knows what is the new address of MQL5 storage?

Used to be!/#

Anyone getting error 403 forbidden on file commit?

Or knows how to fix this error? I can’t commit any code since yesterday

Getting error when commit to the storage, any idea how to fix it?

Hi everyone, Did you ever get the following error upon storage commit? Any idea how to solve it? Thank you