
The Hodrick-Prescott Filter for MetaTrader 5

The Hodrick-Prescott Filter

Price prediction by Nearest Neighbor found by a weighted correlation coefficient for MetaTrader 5

This indicator finds the nearest neighbor by using a weighted correlation coefficient, in which more recent prices have larger weights. The weight decays linearly from newer to older prices within a price pattern

Price prediction by Nearest Neighbor for MetaTrader 5

This indicator uses the Nearest Neighbor clustering technique, also called k-NN, to search for the most similar pattern in history and use its past prices as predictions of the current pattern future prices

Fourier extrapolation of price for MetaTrader 5

This indicator fits a trigonometric model to prices and extrapolates it in the future

AR extrapolation of price for MetaTrader 5

This indicator uses an autoregresive model to extrapolate prices

Linear regression slope for MetaTrader 5

Linear regression slope normalized to SMA

FIR_filter for MetaTrader 5

Moving Average, calculated using the digital filter

Next price predictor using Neural Network for MetaTrader 4

An indicator that uses a Feed Forward Neural Network to predict the next few open prices. The network is trained using a Backpropagation method. The training is set up automatically, resulting in a self-trained network and a self-learning indicator

HP Extrapolator for MetaTrader 4

The indicator applies Hodrick-Prescott low-frequency filter to predict future prices

Extrapolator for MetaTrader 4

Extrapolator is a result of my long-term research in the area of the Timeseries Forecasting


I am plagued by questions of the universe

Stopped by this site, bored. No interesting topics. It used to be more interesting. So I decided to diversify the topics a bit. I can't get comfortable with my world view. Maybe someone can help me understand it. Misunderstanding #1. Scientists say the universe is expanding, galaxies are scattering

Buy, sell or hold?

I would like to ask traders what they would do in different price patterns and why. Here is the first example: Removed information about the pair, the timeframe, and the price itself. So, what do we do here: sell, buy, or nothing? And why? If indicator readings are needed, I will add them

Fibonacci levels: myth or reality?

I decided the other day to check how often Fibonacci levels occur in forex using EURUSD over the last 10 years. All calculations in the program are based on the zig-zag. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method 1

Global recession over the end of Moore's Law

What many people may not realise is that the world economy depends on the ability of microprocessor manufacturers to increase their capacity by 50% every two years. It's Moore's Law, in a simplified way of course. More accurately, Moore's law is the observation made by Intel's founder in the 60's

Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators

So, the task is to predict the S&P 500 index based on the available economic indicators. Step 1: Find the indicators. The indicators are publicly available here: There are 240,000 of them. The most important is the growth of GDP. This indicator is calculated

Why is the adoption of the MT5 platform so slow?

Talked to 4 brokers offering services to American traders: FXCM, CitiFx, Alpari US, ACT Brokers. None of them have given a specific deadline for introducing the MT5 platform on live accounts. Alpari US said MT5 doesn't comply with US regulations yet. ACT Brokers half year ago said they will roll out

Repetitive patterns and other patterns

This isn't the first time I've seen recurring patterns, not from deep history, but from the brief past. Here is one example: Notice how similar the green patterns are. The time difference between them is only a week and a half. Both of the green up-trend patterns ended up being down-trend patterns

Having a problem with DLL trying to return several values. Please help.

For some reason, my indicator crashed when I try to return several values through a DLL. Currently in my DLL I have something like this MT4_EXPFUNC void __stdcall myDLL(const double x, const double y, double& sum, double& product) { sum=x+y; product=x*y; } In my mq4 code, I have #import "myDLL.dll"

Please help me to find historical GOLD prices (1970-1993)

I need XAU/USD in any format that can be downloaded to MT4. Thanks in advance