
MetaTrader 4/5 T-shirts

Hey guys anyone know where I can buy Metatrader 4 /5 t-shirts? Or a hoodie will great too. ] Thanks in advance -CNTBW

Download Previous version on Trading Robot (EA)

Hey,guys hows it going I just wanted to know do any of you wish you could download an older version of a EA or indicator you bought from the marketplace. Because sometimes developers make changes to the EA, in an update and it ends up preforming worst than it was previously . And you have no option

Error when uploading EA

Hello I trying to upload my EA. But it's keeps getting errors. Can anyone please me

(Error) Your product's category is Experts, correct program type for it is Expert Advisor

Trying to upload my product to the market place and I keep seeing this at the Upload screen. " Your product's category is Experts, correct program type for it is Expert Advisor" Problem is there is no way to pick this option. As MQl4 has changed since then. And the how to page was made in 2012. And

Any predictions on Non-Farm?

Non-Farm Employment Change Forecast 165K Previous 312K With numbers like these, chances are it will be a very impact full day. You guys got any predictions on whats going to happen

Back testing will not go into 2016

I keep trying to back test a EA i bought. And I keep getting no results. As if January 2016 dost exist. The results only go up to December and not January. I've recently upgrade my pc to windows ten dose that have something to do with it? I went to history center downloaded all the history time