
how to run a script?

hi! I have a script,and I want to run and test it, but I don't know how to do

How to install MT4 on windows?

I want to install MT4,and then I download mt4setup.ext from after installing, there is always a MT5 app. How to install MT4 on windows? Thanks

Can I manually close the order copied from signal?

I copied a signal. Today the signal opened 4 EURUSD BUY orders at 1.13390, and afterwards for a long time the price was always below the open price . So when the price reached 1.14410, I closed 3 of the 4 orders. But after several miniutes, I found that there were 3 BUY orders more again with open

If I run two mt5 terminal at the same time, will the signal provider's order be copied twice on my account?

I subscribed to a signal. I run mt5 application on a vps 24/7. If I open mt5 application on my office PC, will My account copies twice the same trade order of the signal

why the signal I subscribed did not work

1. I subscribed several signals before, and they worked well. 2. Last week I subscribed a signal, and found it didn't work--My account didn't copy the signal provider's trade order . 3. I contacted,and they told me I should keeping my mt5 terminal opening all the time. I told him the