Welcome to MQL4.com !

Welcome to MQL4.com !

MQL4.community Administration announces that public beta-testing of MQL4.community resource has begun. We are happy to invite everybody who wishes to participate in it and express our deepest thanks to all in advance!
Greetings MQ,

First off it is a very nice site you have put together, will this be replacing the forum on the metaquotes.net site ?

Just wondering what has been done in latest build 185 ?

Thanks and keep up the great work..............
MT4 is nice

I am wesley, in China.

We do MT4 also.

Welcome to MT for China (mt4cn) http://www.mt4.cn
mt4.gif  5 kb
Greetings MQ,

First off it is a very nice site you have put together, will this be replacing the forum on the metaquotes.net site ?

Just wondering what has been done in latest build 185 ?

Thanks and keep up the great work..............
1. This project is created for MQL4 programmers https://www.mql4.com/info/about/
Bug reports please write to http://www.metatrader4.com/forum/
To discuss some features of MQL4 with programmers please write to https://forum.mql4.com/
If you want to publish your MQL4 code with detailed description and screenshot please publish your code in https://www.mql5.com/en/code/mt4/
Also using link to your own profile you can promote your programming skills and services if you want.

2. https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/44972 https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/44974

Thank you.
Hi, I would like to know if somebody can convert profitable MQLII script to MQL4.
Thankk you
