MQL5 Code for indicator


Hello ,

I'd like to know how to convert an indicator from mql4 to mql5 AND the language of MQL5 .

Thank you


Hello ,

I'd like to know how to convert an indicator from mql4 to mql5 AND the language of MQL5 .

Thank you

For the next time, would you please read as many as you could before posting, there are plenty information about this already in

1. Use mql5 search and type mql4 and you will find this!keyword=mql4

2. MQL5 reference is available through MetaEditor 5, just click help and select MQL5 Reference. This is the online version

3. Please read this article Migrating from mql4 to mql5

4. This section in mql5 reference explaining about indicator Custom Indicators