Neural Network Trading with Simbrain?

Has anyone successfully bridge with MT5?
SIMBRAIN is a free tool for building, running, and analyzing neural-networks (computer simulations of brain circuitry). Simbrain aims to be as visual and easy-to-use as possible. See our design goals. Unique features of Simbrain include its integrated "world components" and its ability to represent a network's state space. Simbrain is written...
Has anyone successfully bridge with MT5?
Why do you need to Bridge, you have much better solutions with Mathematica/R/Zorro Trader, that MetaQuotes need to open their API for programmers so that everyone will start enjoying  some real world problem solving instead of remaining in the old fashion system of cosmetics.
Has anyone successfully bridge with MT5?
Does SimBrain support GPU CUDA/OPENCL? MetaTrader 5 supports OpenCL, but we need API functions to connect SimBrain to Metatrader.