Indicators: Harmonic Pattern Finder - page 3


changing line 117 should remove the handle error.....h

   zzHandle=iCustom(NULL,0,"fastzz",SwingSize);       // zzHandle=iCustom(NULL,0,"Downloads\\fastzz",SwingSize);


Hello sir. The indicator is showing up on the "indicators" tab, but it won't show at all on the chart. 


To make this indicator working, you have to:

1, download also fastzz

2, place it into same folder as harmonic pattern indicator

3, open harminic pattern indicator using Meta Editor 5, and change line 117: 

zzHandle=iCustom(NULL,0,"fastzz",SwingSize);       // zzHandle=iCustom(NULL,0,"Downloads\\fastzz",SwingSize);

4, compile it in Meta Editor 5

5, restart MT5 (just for sure)

Now it should work :)

Absolutely love this masterpiece!!