Download From MQL5 Market / No download link.

Can anybody answer this Question, i purchased a indicator from the mql5 market & it is registered in the "purchases" tab in my profile but cannot access/download the indicator , i noticed that the funds are locked for 7-days could this have something to do with it? I opened a support ticket but dont want to wait to long without getting a answer.
fx9 fx9:
Can anybody answer this Question, i purchased a indicator from the mql5 market & it is registered in the "purchases" tab in my profile but cannot access/download the indicator , i noticed that the funds are locked for 7-days could this have something to do with it? I opened a support ticket but dont want to wait to long without getting a answer.
Look at here: Где найти скачанное из Маркета

Hi fx9 fx9,

Did you see this indicator in Navigator - Indicators - Market ?
It should be there if everything is fine for example.