Scripts: Transfer trades from the tester report to the chart


Transfer trades from the tester report to the chart:

The script is designed to transfer trades from the standard report of the MetaTrader 4 tester to the chart.

It transfers to the chart:

  1. Entry Points. Displayed by characters separately for long and short positions. The character codes can be set by user.
  2. Lines or rectangles connecting the entry and exit points. The type of object is defined by the TypeObjects parameter (0-rectangle, 1-line).
  3. Trades results in points. Different colors for the profitable and unprofitable trades.
  4. Running total profit or loss.

Transfer trades from the tester report to the chart

Author: Igor Kim

May I know where  (file path )should the StrategyTester.htm be put  ? as I have load the script but no items marked on the currency  chart