Check if an object is subtype of a base object


Can it somehow be done in MQL5 ?

If I have a pointer of a base class, how can I know if it is of type of the subclass? 

Amir Yacoby:

Can it somehow be done in MQL5 ?

If I have a pointer of a base class, how can I know if it is of type of the subclass? 

What to do ?
Alain Verleyen:
What to do ?

class A : CObject

class B : A

bool IsInstance(CObject *obj)

Amir Yacoby #:

class A : CObject

class B : A

bool IsInstance(CObject *obj)

bool IsInstance(CObject *obj)
   return CheckPointer(dynamic_cast<A*>(obj)) != POINTER_INVALID;
Dynamic_cast is available since: New MetaTrader 5 build 1395 - Page 17 #166 (2016)