Do I need to free dymanic array memory here? ( copyrates )


Hello everyone!

I was looking at the function and its example code:

void OnStart()
   MqlRates rates[];
   int copied=CopyRates(Symbol(),0,0,100,rates);
      Print("Bars copied: "+copied);
      string format="open = %G, high = %G, low = %G, close = %G, volume = %d";
      string out;
      int size=fmin(copied,10);
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
         out=out+" "+StringFormat(format,
   else Print("Failed to get history data for the symbol ",Symbol());


Question 1

 the variable:

MqlRates rates[];

Do I need to free it before the function ends or does it do it automatically, if the code is exactly the same as below in that example code?
If I need to free it, then how?


Question 2

If the code is exactly the same as in example code then how does it exactly get those rates?
Does it copy data and reallocalize or does it return a point like in this c++ code:

MqlRates *CopyRates( ... int start_pos ... )
 // ..... //
 return &HistoryDataBase[start_pos];


 Question 3

If it reallocalizes and copyes data to new array and returns it then:
I need to copy data of 3 days of 5 minute candles but I'll be looping around whole history data without overlapping.
Does that mean that I should use static array sized of '3 days candles' instead of dynamic array?


CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference
CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference
CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference
Where is your "link below"?

Sorry, I updated my post. Now its easier to find the code.
CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference
CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference
CopyRates - Timeseries and Indicators Access - MQL4 Reference

1. No, every declaration gets free where the block ends.

2. The function returns a value as described in the docs. The MqlRates array is passed by reference to the function. Arrays do not have pointers in MQL4.

3. Use a dynamic array, there is no guaranteed number of 5-minute candles in 3 days.


According to the documentation you have linked yourself, if you know the amount of data you need to copy, it should be better to provide a statically allocated buffer, in order to prevent memory [re]allocation.