Error in Adding Indicator as resources in EA(Compile as One).


I'm trying to add indicator as resources. Many indicators had added without any problem but some indicator shows following error.

cannot load '......\MQL4\Experts\SampleExpert.ex4::Indicators\SampleIndicator.ex4::Indicators\SampleIndicator.ex4'

 I'm assuming this is happends because "SampleIndicator" call itself as


Is there any way to solve this error.  Thank You for your time. 

Suraj Neupane:

I'm trying to add indicator as resources. Many indicators had added without any problem but some indicator shows following error.

 I'm assuming this is happends because "SampleIndicator" call itself as


Is there any way to solve this error.  Thank You for your time. 

#resource "\\Indicators\\TRIX.ex4"


void OnTick()



valueTRIX= iCustom(simb, timeFrame, "::Indicators\\TRIX.ex4", periodCalc, priceWork, nBuff, nBar);  


Jose Miguel Soriano:

#resource "\\Indicators\\TRIX.ex4"


void OnTick()



valueTRIX= iCustom(simb, timeFrame, "::Indicators\\TRIX.ex4", periodCalc, priceWork, nBuff, nBar);  


Thank you very much for your time. I have already done that(didn't solve) but I also found the solution. This might helpful to anyone in future. 

Problem indeed was from indicator calling itself from indicator by this:

indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName(); 

which should be changed into following: 
indicatorFileName = GetRelativeProgramPath();
method GetRelativeProgramPath gives the same name as WindowExpertName() but it doesn't show error when adding indicator as EA's resource. Here is the GetRelativeProgramPath() METHOD's code:



//| GetRelativeProgramPath                                           |


string GetRelativeProgramPath()


   int pos2;

//--- get the absolute path to the application

   string path=MQLInfoString(MQL_PROGRAM_PATH);

//--- find the position of "\MQL4\" substring

   int    pos =StringFind(path,"\\MQL4\\");

//--- substring not found - error



//--- skip "\MQL4" directory


//--- skip extra '\' symbols



//--- if this is a resource, return the path relative to MQL5 directory



//--- find a separator for the first MQL4 subdirectory (for example, MQL4\Indicators)

//--- if not found, return the path relative to MQL4 directory



//--- return the path relative to the subdirectory (for example, MQL4\Indicators)




If it's helpful to anyone, you are welcome. 
Suraj Neupane:

Thank you very much for your time. I have already done that(didn't solve) but I also found the solution. This might helpful to anyone in future. 

Problem indeed was from indicator calling itself from indicator by this:

indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName(); 

which should be changed into following: 
indicatorFileName = GetRelativeProgramPath();

As stated in the documentation.

it really helped in the future...

thanks :)

Suraj Neupane:

Thank you very much for your time. I have already done that(didn't solve) but I also found the solution. This might helpful to anyone in future. 

If it's helpful to anyone, you are welcome. 
Alain Verleyen #:
As stated in the documentation.

Hello in relation to this how should I write the Indicator file name. That is the format