How disable cbot in weekends


Hi, i need disable strategy in weekends why this code doesn't work on mt4 in fxpro (I set it on timer and ontick) tooday is Saturday but strategy works ?!

if(DayOfWeek() >= 1 && DayOfWeek() <= 5){
 // working code stop in weekends

And why create table in mysql doesn't work in mt4 (fxpro) but work in others brokers what is wrong (libs from this article

//|                                              FxStarEu_Master.mq4 |
//|                                       |
#property copyright "Marcin Łukaszewski"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

//--- include library

#include <MQLMySQL.mqh>

//--- position refresh timer
extern int timer = 5; 
extern string Host = "localhost";
extern string User = "root";
extern string Password = "toor";
extern string Database = "fxstareu";
extern int Port     = 3306;
string INI;
datetime newbar = 0;
string Socket, Query;
int ClientFlag;
int DB; // database identifier

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   //create timer
   //Print (MySqlVersion());

   Socket   = "0";

   // create tables
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |

void OnTick()
   // stop on weekends
   if(DayOfWeek() >= 1 && DayOfWeek() <= 5){
      if(newbar != Time[0]){          
      newbar = Time[0];
      Print(TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " Account equity " + DoubleToString(NormalizeDouble(AccountEquity(),2),2));

string Prices(){
   int total = 1;
   total = SymbolsTotal(1);
   string all = "Symbol,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Ask,Bid|||";
   for(int i=1;i<total;i++)
    string s = SymbolName(i,1);         
    all = all +s+","+iTime(s,0,0)+","+iOpen(s,0,0)+","+iHigh(s,0,0)+","+iLow(s,0,0)+","+iClose(s,0,0)+","+iVolume(s,0,0)+","+SymbolInfoDouble(s,SYMBOL_ASK)+","+SymbolInfoDouble(s,SYMBOL_BID)+"|||";
return all;
//| CreateDatabase function                                                   |
void CreateTable()
 Print ("Host: ",Host, ", User: ", User, ", Database: ",Database, " Connecting...");  
 DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag); 
 if (DB == -1) { Print ("Connection failed! Error: "+MySqlErrorDescription); } else { Print ("Connected! DBID#",DB);}
 Query = "create table IF NOT EXISTS `account_"+AccountNumber()+"`(time datetime, accountid int, balance float(10,2),equity float(10,2),margin float(10,2),freemargin float(10,2), currency varchar(20), leverage int, prices text, UNIQUE KEY `time` (`time`));";
 Query = Query + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `OpenSignal_"+AccountNumber()+"` (  `id` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `symbol` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  `volume` float DEFAULT '0',  `type` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  `opent` datetime,  `openp` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `sl` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `tp` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `profit` float(55,2) DEFAULT '0',    `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,  `account` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  `comment` text,  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
 Query = Query + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CloseSignal_"+AccountNumber()+"` ( `id` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `symbol` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  `volume` float DEFAULT '0',  `type` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  `opent` datetime,  `openp` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `sl` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `tp` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0', `closet` datetime,  `closep` float(25,6) DEFAULT '0',  `profit` float(55,2) DEFAULT '0',  `pips` float(25,2) DEFAULT '0',  `time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,  `account` varchar(250) DEFAULT '0',  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
 Query = Query = "create table IF NOT EXISTS `accounts`(accountid int, name text, leverage int, deposit int, currency char(3), UNIQUE KEY `accountid` (`accountid`));";
 if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
      Print("Create table Succeeded: ", Query);
      Alert ("Error create databases: ", MySqlErrorDescription);
      Print ("Query: ", Query);
 Print ("Create Tables Done!");
//| Balance function                                                   |
void Balance()
 Print ("Host: ",Host, ", User: ", User, ", Database: ",Database, " Connecting...");  
 DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag); 
 if (DB == -1) { Print ("Connection failed! Error: "+MySqlErrorDescription); } else { Print ("Connected! DBID#",DB);}
 //Query = "INSERT INTO account_"+AccountNumber()+" (time, accountid, balance, equity, margin, freemargin, currency, leverage) VALUES('" + TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + "','" + AccountNumber() + "', '" + AccountBalance() + "', '" + AccountEquity() + "', '" + AccountMargin() + "', '" + AccountFreeMargin() + "', '" + AccountCurrency() + "', '" + AccountLeverage() + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE leverage='" + AccountLeverage() +  "'";
 Query = "INSERT INTO account_"+AccountNumber()+" (time, accountid, balance, equity, margin, freemargin, currency, leverage,prices) VALUES('" + TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + "','" + AccountNumber() + "', '" + AccountBalance() + "', '" + AccountEquity() + "', '" + AccountMargin() + "', '" + AccountFreeMargin() + "', '" + AccountCurrency() + "', '" + AccountLeverage() + "', '" + Prices() + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE prices='" + Prices() + "'";
 if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
      Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
      Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
      Print ("Query: ", Query);

     int deposit = 10000;
 Query = "INSERT INTO accounts(accountid,name,leverage,deposit,currency) VALUES('" + AccountNumber() + "', '" + AccountName() + "', '" + AccountLeverage() + "', '" + deposit + "', '" + AccountCurrency() +"') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name='" + AccountName() + "'";
 if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
      Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
      Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
      Print ("Query: ", Query);
 Print ("Equity. Done!");
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
   // stop on weekends
   if(DayOfWeek() >= 1 && DayOfWeek() <= 5){
   Print ("Host: ",Host, ", User: ", User, ", Database: ",Database, " Connecting...");
   DB = MySqlConnect(Host, User, Password, Database, Port, Socket, ClientFlag);   
   if (DB == -1) { Alert ("Connection failed! Error: "+MySqlErrorDescription); } else { Print ("Connected! DBID#",DB);}
   int orders=OrdersTotal();
   for(int i=0;i<orders;i++)
     Print("Orders error ",GetLastError());
         if(OrderType() == OP_SELL){   
          Query = "INSERT INTO OpenSignal_"+AccountNumber()+" (id, symbol, volume, type, opent, openp, account, sl, tp, profit) VALUES('" + OrderTicket() + "','" + OrderSymbol() + "', '" + OrderLots() + "','SELL','" + OrderOpenTime() + "','" + OrderOpenPrice() + "','" + AccountNumber() + "','" + OrderStopLoss() + "','" + OrderTakeProfit() + "','" + OrderProfit() + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sl='" + OrderStopLoss() + "', tp='" + OrderTakeProfit() + "', profit='" + OrderProfit() + "'";
          if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
               Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
               Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
               Print ("Query: ", Query);
      // BUY ORDERS
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY){   
          Query = "INSERT INTO OpenSignal_"+AccountNumber()+" (id, symbol, volume, type, opent, openp, account, sl, tp, profit) VALUES('" + OrderTicket() + "','" + OrderSymbol() + "', '" + OrderLots() + "','BUY','" + OrderOpenTime() + "','" + OrderOpenPrice() + "','" + AccountNumber() + "','" + OrderStopLoss() + "','" + OrderTakeProfit() + "','" + OrderProfit() + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sl='" + OrderStopLoss() + "', tp='" + OrderTakeProfit() + "', profit='" + OrderProfit() + "'";
          if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
               Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
               Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
               Print ("Query: ", Query);

   int ii, hTotal;
   hTotal= OrdersHistoryTotal();
         Print("History Error ",GetLastError());
        double Pips = 0;
         if(OrderType() == OP_SELL){   
          Pips = ((OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))/10;
          //Print("SELL Pips " + Pips);
          Query = "INSERT INTO CloseSignal_"+AccountNumber()+" (id, symbol, volume, type, opent, openp, account, sl, tp, closet, closep, profit, pips) VALUES('" + OrderTicket() + "','" + OrderSymbol() + "', '" + OrderLots() + "','SELL','" + OrderOpenTime() + "','" + OrderOpenPrice() + "','" + AccountNumber() + "','" + OrderStopLoss() + "','" + OrderTakeProfit() + "','" + OrderCloseTime() + "','" + OrderClosePrice() + "','" + OrderProfit() + "','" + Pips + "')";
          if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
               Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
               Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
               Print ("Query: ", Query);
      // BUY ORDERS
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY){           
          Pips = 0;
          Pips = ((OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))/10;
          //Print("BUY Pips " +Pips);
          Query = "INSERT INTO CloseSignal_"+AccountNumber()+" (id, symbol, volume, type, opent, openp, account, sl, tp, closet, closep, profit, pips) VALUES('" + OrderTicket() + "','" + OrderSymbol() + "', '" + OrderLots() + "','BUY','" + OrderOpenTime() + "','" + OrderOpenPrice() + "','" + AccountNumber() + "','" + OrderStopLoss() + "','" + OrderTakeProfit() + "','" + OrderCloseTime() + "','" + OrderClosePrice() + "','" + OrderProfit() + "','" + Pips + "')";
          if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
               Print ("Succeeded: ", Query);
               Print ("!!! ", MySqlErrorDescription);
               Print ("Query: ", Query);
   Print ("Positions. Done!");

  // multi-insert
  Query =         "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (1,\'EURUSD\',\'2014.01.01 00:00:01\');";
  Query = Query + "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (2,\'EURJPY\',\'2014.01.02 00:02:00\');";
  Query = Query + "INSERT INTO `test_table` (id, code, start_date) VALUES (3,\'USDJPY\',\'2014.01.03 03:00:00\');";
  if (MySqlExecute(DB, Query))
      Print ("Succeeded! 3 rows has been inserted by one query.");
      Print ("Error of multiple statements: ", MySqlErrorDescription);

Thanks for the help!


How to Access the MySQL Database from MQL5 (MQL4)
How to Access the MySQL Database from MQL5 (MQL4)
  • 2014.10.21
  • Eugeniy Lugovoy
The article describes the development of an interface between MQL and the MySQL database. It discusses existing practical solutions and offers a more convenient way to implement a library for working with databases. The article contains a detailed description of the functions, the interface structure, examples and some of specific features of working with MySQL. As for the software solutions, the article attachments include the files of dynamic libraries, documentation and script examples for the MQL4 and MQL5 languages.


if doesn't work change ("zero divide error on fxpro mt4"):


//Pips = ((OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))/10;

Pips = ((OrderOpenPrice()-OrderClosePrice())/Point)/10;

// BUY

//Pips = ((OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())/MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT))/10;

Pips = ((OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())/Point)/10;
