Formulae for monthly and annual growth displayed on the MQL5 website


As said on the title, can I have the formulae for monthly and annual growth displayed on the website (the little table below the graph).

I tried to review my trading records for some of my archived account, and when I went through some of the growth calculation, some of the number doesn't add up and I found a pattern there.

Previously I thought the calculation should be pretty straight-forward:

monthly growth = (balance at the end of the month - balance at the beginning of the month) / balance at the beginning of the month

However, this only works when there's no deposit/withdrawal happened during the monthly period. When there is deposit/withdrawal(s), the number just doesn't add up no matter I include the deposit/withdrawal in the starting balance or not. Please someone elaborates more on how MQL5 is calculating the monthly and annual growth. Thanks.

Only MQ can answer that sorry. I suggest you ask the Service Desk 
Stuart Browne:
Only MQ can answer that sorry. I suggest you ask the Service Desk 
Thanks, I also ask the Service Desk, just even the odds here.