Strategy Tester does not show all the symbols in Market Watch

Strategy Tester does not show all the symbols in Market Watch, what should I do?
Make sure that all pairs that you want are enabled on normal market watch (open marketing watch and make sure you can see the pairs )
Damian Mateusz Dziadosz:
Make sure that all pairs that you want are enabled on normal market watch (open marketing watch and make sure you can see the pairs )
oh! that applies for strategy tester too? thanks!
To be honest i had no idea it was just an idea to try hope it solved your problem.
try to download history for these simbols by history center
Damian Mateusz Dziadosz:
To be honest i had no idea it was just an idea to try hope it solved your problem.

no, it works. It's this problem.

I thought I didn't apply to strategy tester


no, it works. It's this problem.

I thought I didn't apply to strategy tester

Nice :)
Sometimes the pair does not appear even on Market Watch. To solve this issue, right-click on any space within "Market Watch" frame and click on Symbols (or Ctrl + U in Meta Trader 4). A new window will appear, and you can choose to "Show" or "Hide" any pairs you want. All pairs we know should be showable or hideable.
You have to call for the instrument once, for example in OnInit(), and then it will appear in tester market watch.
Kok Hoong Cheang:
Strategy Tester does not show all the symbols in Market Watch, what should I do?

Just drag the pair from the market watch to tester it'll update

You're welcome ;)

Raja Vamshi #:

Just drag the pair from the market watch to tester it'll update

You're welcome ;)

That's the right answer !

Thank you!!!