News arrowsm how to remove them permanently from charts

They compete with scarce space in charts and can be anoying to trading. When deleted by Objects Delete All they reappear the minute after, apparently broker can't help saying it is Metaquotes option wuile Metaquotes says it is up to broker, so is there a way to swith off the feature, be it permanent or at will?


  • Delete all Events
  • Auto Arrange off

Right click on calendar tab ,  Sergey could we access this calendar from mql ?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Are there functions that could handle the "economic calendar"?

Alexey Da, 2011.07.22 15:59

There aren't.

But you can get all objects OBJ_EVENT on the chart and try to find some information from name of object and description. It might be helpful.

void OnStart()
   long cid=ChartID();
   int ot=ObjectsTotal(cid,0,OBJ_EVENT);
   Print(ot," objects found.");
   for(int i=0;i<ot;i++)
      string name=ObjectName(cid,i,0,OBJ_EVENT);
      Print(name,": ",ObjectGetString(cid,name,OBJPROP_TEXT));

and many good links are collected here:

All about Calendar tab and Macro Economic Events
Sergey Golubev #:


  • Delete all Events
  • Auto Arrange off

Thank you! This worked perfectly!!