Coding question


Can someone help me with a code that closes all orders when orders hit certain % of DD



John McClark:

Can someone help me with a code that closes all orders when orders hit certain % of DD



Post the code if you want coding help.
Alain Verleyen:
Post the code if you want coding help.
Or apply for a new job
Mohammad Soubra:
Or apply for a new job
I just need the if sentence...what is it?


There is already some free market or code base.

Hello sir,

I programmed it,

Thank you .

//------------------------ DD Close orders ------------------------------//

// Header files for the errors description:

#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

void Check_Close(int Check_Number) // check close order
   if(Check_Number<0)Print("OrderClose failed with error: ", ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
      else Close_All_V = false ;


void Close_All ( int M_N )
   int Loop = 0 ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; Loop < OrdersTotal ( ) ; i++ )
      if ( OrderSelect ( i , SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES ) )
         Loop++ ;
         if ( OrderMagicNumber ( ) == M_N && OrderSymbol ( ) == Symbol ( ) )
            if ( OrderType ( ) == OP_BUY )
               Check_Close ( OrderClose ( OrderTicket ( ) , OrderLots ( ) , Bid , 100 , clrNONE ) ) ;
            if ( OrderType ( ) == OP_SELL )
               Check_Close ( OrderClose ( OrderTicket ( ) , OrderLots ( ) , Ask , 100 , clrNONE ) ) ;


double Loss ( int M_N )
   double re = 0 ;

   int Loop = 0 ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; Loop < OrdersTotal ( ) ; i++ )
      if ( OrderSelect ( i , SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES ) )
         Loop++ ;
         if ( OrderMagicNumber ( ) == M_N && OrderSymbol ( ) == Symbol ( ) )
            re = re + OrderProfit ( ) ;
   return re * -1 ;


double DD ( int M_N )
   return ( 100 / AccountBalance ( ) ) * Loss ( M_N ) ;


bool Close_All_V ;

void OnInit ( )
   Close_All_V = false ;


void DD_close ( int DD , int Magic_Number )
        // DD:           Here it is the DD persantge, 100 means never close any order .
       // Magic_Number:  Your EA magic number .

   if ( DD ( Magic_Number ) >= DD )
      Close_All_V = true ;
   if ( Close_All_V )
      Close_All ( Magic_Number ) ;

// To use this option, just you need to call the function : DD_close

//------------------------ DD Close orders end ------------------------------//