I need Expert for the Grail indic - page 3


The article - 


My First "Grail"

The Holy Grail is generally considered to be the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper and the one used by Joseph of Arimathea to catch his blood as he hung on the cross. Some writers present the grail as a stone which provides sustenance and prevents anyone who beholds it from dying within the week. You can read more about it here or use any search engines in internet.

The word "grail" is now often used among modern programmers ironically. It means for them the impossibility to create a "universal" program for all occasions. As to programming in MQL4, this word means impossibility to create an expert that would give fantastic effects in the real trading.

In reality, forex is the reflection of a complex conglomerate of phenomena - economic and industrial relations, human characters, politics. Moreover, and this is even more important, it cannot be simply formalized. Experienced traders recommend to enter the market only if there are three to five or even more signs indicating the possible trend.

At the same time, the regularities determined by now cannot completely provide a deep basis for market forecasting with high probability of success. The contradictory prognoses made by leading analysts of eminent banks and financial organizations confirm this. All analysts, without any exception, can very well interpret the events that have already happened, but only a few of them can give a sequence of really confident prognoses.

Let us be just towards them: These people do what they can do, most of them have a long trading experience and much knowledge we can envy. However, let us call things by their proper names: practically all of them are often mistaken. They can look big, enjoy more or less popularity, sometimes make a handsome fortune ("gurus" of different kinds are really well described in the Alexander Elder's book titled Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management), but the fact remains that even experienced analysts are often mistaken.

So, considering these circumstances, what are the chances of a first-time programmer who is just making his or her first steps in trading on Forex? Let us try to retrace the pathway that the beginner goes in his or her quest of the "Grail". 



Not mountaining - 


Who said that "grail" can not become profitable?


Lucky - expert for MetaTrader 4

Lucky - expert for MetaTrader 4

Lucky - expert for MetaTrader 4

Who said that "GRAIL" CANNOT BECOME PROFITABLE? - one of the authors of an article about grails. I can tell you the opposite. Lucky is also a grail, but after 3 months of working over it, it started to bring profit without using the intrabar trading. You need proofs? See reports from a demo and a real account.