How many time need for a arbitration?


Yesterday I asked for a arbitration, the arbitrator answer immediatly but today the dispute is still open.

I give seven days for a job and the programmer doesn't finish his work after more than a month, the arbitrator chat with him in russian and do not answer to my question.

Is this your way to solve the problem? I want to close the job and receive my money back, how many time I must wait?

If this is the arbitration way I don't want to buy anything else from this place.



I am begining to think that this MQ5 Community is a dupe for western suckers.

You ask a simple question how to get arbitration and they say read the job rules....well it ain't there in English. Maybe we need the secret code to tell us how to contact the arbitrator. 

I would not hold my breath and expect one of these guys to ensure a equal and fair decision, after all, you cant get an equal and fair decision in Russia !

I am married to a russian, and I actually enjoy russian people, the country etc and I find this site very disappointing. BTW , I am not american, iranian, Chinese, etc etc.

I am Australian, with no religious or political leaning. 


I am begining to think that this MQ5 Community is a dupe for western suckers.

You ask a simple question how to get arbitration and they say read the job rules....well it ain't there in English. Maybe we need the secret code to tell us how to contact the arbitrator. 

I would not hold my breath and expect one of these guys to ensure a equal and fair decision, after all, you cant get an equal and fair decision in Russia !

I am married to a russian, and I actually enjoy russian people, the country etc and I find this site very disappointing. BTW , I am not american, iranian, Chinese, etc etc.

I am Australian, with no religious or political leaning. 

Are you sure ?

Job rules in English is always displayed in job section everytime a user request for some development

One way to contact the arbitrator is simply by contacting the Service Desk. Just go to your profile by clicking your user name and look for Service Desk on the left side.

BTW, why you replying to an old thread that was posted on June 2012? is there something wrong to your development request ?

Rules of Using the Jobs Service
Rules of Using the Jobs Service: general provisions, execution of orders, payments,