Indicators: Percentage of Trend


Percentage of Trend:

This Indicator is used for calculating trend.

The indicator values are calculated by this formula :

  • For first period (red color) = (Close - LowValue) / (HighValue - LowValue)
The value is between 0 - 1.
The higher value means uptrend, the lowest value means downtrend, value in the middle means sideway.
  • For second period (blue color) = (Close - LowValue)*-1 / (HighValue - LowValue)
The value is between -1 - 0.
The higher value means downtrend, the lowest value means uptrend, value in the middle means sideway.

where :

  • HighValue - the highest high for n period;
  • LowValue - the lowest low for n period;

Percentage of Trend

Author: biantoro kunarto


Percentage of Trend:

Author: biantoro kunarto


HELLO Biantoro,

  I am very interested on this indicator, but i would like the indicator on my MT4. Can you make it on MQL4? Really hope i could get response from you. Thanks. 

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