MetaTrader wont open anymore

I have reinstalled it,tried to open it in administrator,changed the installation directory,nothing works.. 

it takes some time to load the first time, please check if you can find the process "Terminal.exe" in the Task manager>Processes.


Yup,its there,but it still wont open.. This is a really big problem for me because I cant trade without MT4.


Yup,its there,but it still wont open.. This is a really big problem for me because I cant trade without MT4.

Please provide logs from journal terminal. Also check your profile template(rename it).
Aleksey Pak:
Please provide logs from journal terminal. Also check your profile template(rename it).
So in my logs folder I have three log files ( 20150804.log , metaeditor.log , metaeditor_prev.log ) which one is from journal terminal? Also,can you tell me where is the profile template,sorry if I am being too annoying :/ 
Check this file 20150804.log for any issues.
No issues in the file.. 

can you say anything about when it started?

did you accidentally load a faulty indicator or expert that made the terminal enter an endless loop ?

if so, then it will try to load this faulty indicator or expert upon rebooting the terminal the only solution would be to rename the file name of the ea so the terminal can not find it anymore and thus can not load it upun booting the terminal.

Marco vd Heijden:

can you say anything about when it started?

did you accidentally load a faulty indicator or expert that made the terminal enter an endless loop ?

if so, then it will try to load this faulty indicator or expert upon rebooting the terminal the only solution would be to rename the file name of the ea so the terminal can not find it anymore and thus can not load it upun booting the terminal.

I loaded some custom indicators and one didnt work so i reinstalled MT4 and from that point one it wont start,i can see terminal.exe in Task Manager for about 10 minutes and then it closes by itself,and in that 10 minutes my PC is super slow and laggy.

What OS do you have? Try to find data folder and rename default profile to test profile. Also write post to the ServiceDesk with all logs.

Problem has beed solved,Alain Verleyen (angevoyageur) helped via TeamViewer,PC needed a little cleanup,but still thanks for the help:)