Same broker, Different account type


Will the history data be using the same? Different account offers different spreads. 

Dua Yong Rew:

Will the history data be using the same? Different account offers different spreads. 

I believe the raw history is tied to the server, not the account. So if both accounts are on the same server, history won't change. But not 100% sure on that
Dua Yong Rew:

Will the history data be using the same? Different account offers different spreads. 

As long as the account number remains, so will the history, your account "group" will be changed during account type swap
I think that the history of trades would be different for each account, but the data history for the same time frames should be the same, as long as they are both from the same signal provider source.  As far as the different spreads, that is something to do with your specific broker.
i think history may differ with in the same server ,if broker intentionally inceases spread if the account holder uses scalping extensively. Most probably spread will differ. and so the other prices.
balachandran chandrasekar:
i think history may differ with in the same server ,if broker intentionally inceases spread if the account holder uses scalping extensively. Most probably spread will differ. and so the other prices.
If you check the history folder, the raw history seems to be broken down only by server. I think the only way to get a 100% correct answer would be to run it past the service desk