I'm trying to take an array of 28 pairs and color the text by each pairs assigned base color while it continually sorts, you can see where I made a sad attempt - page 2


You never seen it done?

Your whole framework has issues, that need to be solved and you write about

this is my fourth day of working on this and I can't go on much longer, 

These things take weeks, months some time even years to get it right if your exhausted after only four day's then maybe this isn't for you.

Keep improving the code until it does what you wish, if it does not work, discard it and try something else.

This way you end up with good and bad snippets, which you can eventually combine into a masterpiece.


Hi All,


Just so you all know, you can put an array with an array i.e.  ObjectSetText("m.Pr"+i, mPairs[mPair], mTextSize, "Arial Bold", Color[mPair]);


And this is the results, pretty isn't it



looking good there.

you can also do them vertically in stead of horizontal.

and you can make them shift position so that the strongest are grouped on one side.

You can also add the numbers to the elements themselves, and add things like where price levels currently are or spread width etc. or add color to any element u wish to temperature.

it boils down to using your imagination.


I was experimenting, anything to get it to work, i'll remove them.

 It doesn't make any difference though,  I'm just not doing something right or maybe its not possible, I've never seen it done...



I do not have any other helpful hints to offer as far as your problem's solution, but a lot of times, stuff was invented by trying to solve a problem, and not necessarily what they were working for.  I wish you well, you might end up finding a better way to do something that ppl have been looking for for a long time.