MetaLang Compiler Codes


Using the command line compiler, MetaLang.exe, to compile .mq4 files, it shows the following format:

1-2 ; warning/error code; file location; line#:column#; description of warning/error

My question is this: Where can I find a list of the warning/error codes for the compiler?

For instance:

2;88 - the 2 means error and 88 means "unbalanced right parenthesis"

2;89 - the 2 means error and 89 means "unbalanced left parenthesis"

1;39 - the 1 means warning and 39 means "unused function"

2;61 - the 2 means error and 61 means "defined name needed"

2;75 - the 2 means error and 75 means "variable not defined"

2;116 - the 2 means error and 116 means "function definition unexpected"

Obviously, this question can probably only be answered by someone who knows the compiler and/or has a list of compiler warning/error codes.




Such list exists in the compiler only. There is no list as document. Sorry.
Slawa :
Such list exists in the compiler only. There is no list as document. Sorry.

Thank you, Slawa. That's somewhat dissapointing given the format of the compiler. It would be nice to understand, or at least know, what possible errors are thrown for ANY type of language.


