Discussion of article "MQL5-RPC. Remote Procedure Calls from MQL5: Web Service Access and XML-RPC ATC Analyzer for Fun and Profit"


New article MQL5-RPC. Remote Procedure Calls from MQL5: Web Service Access and XML-RPC ATC Analyzer for Fun and Profit is published:

This article describes MQL5-RPC framework that enables Remote Procedure Calls from MQL5. It starts with XML-RPC basics, MQL5 implementation and follows with two real usage examples. First example is using external web service and the second one is a client to simple XML-RPC ATC 2011 Analyzer service. If you are interested on how to implement and analyze different statistics from ATC 2011 in real time, this article is just for you.

Author: investeo


good article. thanks for sharing. After last MT5 update the wininet functions aren't working, did you have this problem? did you know how to overcome the access violation error? 


It was issue with DLL. Wait for next build, sorry.

It was issue with DLL. Wait for next build, sorry.

Hi Rosh,


Today I was happy because I saw my MT5 updating... but the DLL problem is still there :( any solution? for when a stable solution will be included in the build? 

You should write to Servicedesk.
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This is absolutely great! It saved me a lot of work. Thanks for sharing.


The link for this article seems to be broken : error 404



The link for this article seems to be broken : error 404

Thanks for informing.
I reported to Servicedesk
Thanks for informing.
I reported to Servicedesk
Me too (by the way I reported that there is a lot a wrong link in Articles section.)
exist a version for mt4 ? thanks