History Center: EURUSDm,M1 Data gap - page 2

Trade server demo.metaquotes.net does not provide EURUSDm symbol.
Ask question your broker
Trade server demo.metaquotes.net does not provide EURUSDm symbol.
Ask question your broker

Slawa, I know that.

The point is, how can I log into the brokers history center providing that I have brokers MT4 and I am login broker's server?
So what is to ask?

It would not log into brokers history center!

Look Slawa, I have bars EURUSDm loaded in my chart from the broker.
I can look into history center and see the same bars there.
I want to download additional bars and it will not go to broker instead it tells me that it will try the metaquotes..... why?

I would expect that it will never mentioned metaquotes and would inform me about my broker's bar status.

This is totally unclear.
I suspect your broker does not provide any data for download. Therefore You cannot download data from your brokers trade server. But You can download some data from our demo server, and You get warning about it.

I don't understand your question, sorry.
I suspect your broker does not provide any data for download. Therefore You cannot download data from your brokers trade server. But You can download some data from our demo server, and You get warning about it.

I don't understand your question, sorry.

Thanks Slawa!
In the following reply my broker confirmed your suspicion.
However, to make the warning message clear it would be good idea if you can somehow modify the warning message and state that the broker does not provide any data and that the metaquotes is an alternative if the "EURUSDm" is supported by the metaquotes, or
a similar explanation as follows should be displayed.

Dear Sub,

Thank you for contacting Interbank FX. We do not have any data that you can download directly from us. You can choose to download the data from MetaQuotes. The information is usually only a pip or two off from ours. You can also delete the history file in your platform and when you open your platform again it will redownload the history from us. You will want to go to your Start menu and then My Computer, your C Drive, Program Files, Interbank FX Trader 4. In that folder you should see a history folder that you can right click and select delete.