Build 213 Issue


I realize that what I am about to ask was addressed in part a few posts back.

Although some have experienced compiling issues with the new 213 update, as yet I have not. I have 6 terminals downloaded and sure do not wish to go through the hassle of uninstall/redownload if it is not necessary.....HOWEVER

Now that you have fixed the 'damaged' 213, why have you not simply issued it to broker so that it automatically prompts as an updated download? Perhaps 214?

I ask because many are not aware of the posts here or limited links for fixed build. Meanwhile, they are experiencing back testing etc problems (or worse yet having it affect EA's without their knowledge).

Are you going to prompt a broker update?

Kind thanks


Many users do not realize present problems exist
New build 214 will be within 1-2 days.
New build 214 will be within 1-2 days.

Appreciate the reply.

I hope it is better tested through your 'quality control' this time before release. Wasted time on our part is costly not to mention hazards to hardware.
