statement publisher with column Comment?


I really like the statement publisher feature, but I miss the "Comment" column in the statement. Is there some way to add it (maybe patching the file templates\statement.htm ?)

Try to make some modifications in StatementDetailed.html. For example:
<tr align=left><td colspan=13><b>Closed Transactions:</b></td></tr>
<tr align=center bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
<td>Ticket</td><td nowrap>Open Time</td><td>Type</td><td>Size</td><td>Item</td>
<td>Price</td><td>S / L</td><td>T / P</td><td nowrap>Close Time</td>

<tr align=right>
<td colspan=10> </td>
<td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_COMMISSION--></td>
<td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_TAXES--></td>
<td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_STORAGE--></td>
<td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_PROFIT--></td>
<td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_COMMENT--></td>


Hi Rosh,

that was exactely what I needed to know.
Thanks a lot!!

Is there some list of keywords avaliable? (CLOSED_COMMISSION, CLOSED_COMMENT, ...)

I knew this word (Comment) from the investigation of Statementdetailed.html Report. :)
I just tried this, but I don't get any comment written in the html file.
Are you sure about the "CLOSED_COMMENT" keyword?
I suggest that trades have not any comment.
Well, the trades do have comments with them (I see them in the "terminal" subwindow),
but when I export them via publisher with the patched statement.htm, they do not get exported.
The new column "Comments" appears (so I am sure that I patched the right template file), but it does not get filled.

Do you have any idea?
I have tried the above too and could not get it to work. I can see that I have created a new colum header that says "Comments" but it's not pulling the comments that were generated by the EA. I see the comments on my trading platform and I also see the comments when I generate a report.

I would like to use the Publisher to post statements that have the comments showing.

Has anyone been able to get this to work? Any Suggestions?

(Rosh, sorry for the double post. I'd figured that this thread is more relevant).

Has anyone been able to get this working ?    <td class=mspt><!--OPEN_COMMENT--></td>  and   <td class=mspt><!--CLOSED_COMMENT--></td> Don't work.    Does anyone have the correct syntax  ?