Debugger watch list shows Boolean values as false

HI, recently I noticed all my ifs works in code and when i set break points it does stop at them but in the watch list it shows them as false as i showed in picture below and here is the code that does print x=3 which is correct but if you set break point at the print you will see in watch list that x==3 is false :
//|                                                         test.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   double x = 3;
   if(x == 3)
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
Confirmed. Forwarded to MQ.
Alain Verleyen #:
Confirmed. Forwarded to MQ.

1. The same problem also with:

int x = 3;

2. To understand, is it not enough for the user to post the issue on the forum ? For the issue on the forum to be read by MQ, is there also this step where the Moderator forwards the user's issue to MQ ?

3. How/where exactly did you forward it to MQ ?

4. Can we (as a simple user) send our issue directly to MQ ?

My computer has the same problem. All variable types including int, double, and bool operations, such as 1*1=0, 1+1=0;
R0bot #:

1. The same problem also with:

2. To understand, is it not enough for the user to post the issue on the forum ? For the issue on the forum to be read by MQ, is there also this step where the Moderator forwards the user's issue to MQ ?

3. How/where exactly did you forward it to MQ ?

4. Can we (as a simple user) send our issue directly to MQ ?

mere users like us can NOT report bugs to developers, direct. Only Admins and Moderators can forward the link to this thread to developers to read. As Alain said, the link for your thread has been forwarded as i describe.

Michael Charles Schefe #:

mere users like us can NOT report bugs to developers, direct. Only Admins and Moderators can forward the link to this thread to developers to read. As Alain said, the link for your thread has been forwarded as i describe.

I think that by “Forwarded to MQ” Alain meant this post of his.

Michael Charles Schefe #:
mere users like us can NOT report bugs to developers, direct.

There is no need to report the bug directly to the developers. I don't think even the moderators do something like that, although I have no information about it. Any user can report a terminal bug to a topic like "MetaTrader 5 Platform update build ..." - that's enough.