What is the purpose of #property link URL ?

#property copyright   "CopyLeft, Aad Slingerland aka 2733, januari 2024."
#property version     "1.11"

#property link        "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCNIo-MSrmGdD7pCCGh7-uPxdXxnBn0Da"

#property description "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCNIo-MSrmGdD7pCCGh7-uPxdXxnBn0Da"

#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window


When I use "#property link" the URL is not shown to the user when adding the indicator to a chart.

When using "#property description" it is shown but the text is not selectable. 

Are there any other options to show a clickable, or at least a selectable URL?




Hyperlink is “hidden” under the “copyright” statement. So when you paste the proper link, and then click on the Copyleft, Aad Slingerland aka 2733, January 2024." – this website will be opened by default browser.

If you want to show the address of the link you need to write this link under “#property copyright “

Best Regards


Awfully late reply but THANKS

Awfully late reply but THANKS