How to make a Time Lapse Video/Animation

Hello all,

For the "trader who has everything...". Want to replay the days activity like Time Lapse Photography - and see the whole day's activity in a few minutes?

1. Use the attached indicator (barebones here, add the features you want....)
2. Compile the screenshots into an animated .GIF with this:
(this is trialware, your should buy the full copy) This software allows you to select all of the files in the folder and since they are sequentialy numbered, they will complie in the correct order.

You can set the frame rate with the full copy for how often the frames increment (i.e. how fast/slow the playback is).

Great for getting a feel on how the market makes micro-step movement.... something you just can't get a feel for with OHLC or without staring at the screen the whole day.

After the compiled file is created, open it with Internet Explorer - don't double-click it. That way the animation should playback (not just the first frame displayed).

Here is where you'll get info on the ScreenShot command: "MQL4: ScreenShot"


//|                                                   ScreenShot.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright © 2006, Charles W. Van Dien III |
//|                                    mailto: |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Charles W. Van Dien III"
#property link      "mailto:"

#property indicator_chart_window
static int count=-1;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   string framecount="000000"+count;
   string filename=Symbol()+framecount+".gif";

Such slide-show is very helpful when testing
Such slide-show is very helpful when testing


Thanks for your help with the ScreenShot function.
