webrequest function returns 1001

can anyone help me please, webrequest function always returns 1001
Josama Doland: can anyone help me please, webrequest function always returns 1001

We cannot see your computer or read your mind!

  • Explain the issue in detail.
  • Show the code that generates the error.
  • Show the log output of the resulting error.

Also, please search before you post ... https://www.mql5.com/en/search#!keyword=webrequest%20error%201001&module=mql5_module_forum

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Web request Error 1001

Alain Verleyen, 2021.09.08 14:20

Error 1001 is an internal MQL WebRequest error (I got this information from MQ developer), it means :


So for some reason your server refuse the connection. Maybe a DDos protection ?