Determining the slope of an exponential moving average


Hello community. I am currently coding an ea which will allow me to know if the market base line of the TDI indicator (trading dynamic index) which is an exponential moving average is inclined downwards or upwards. In my research I saw that I could use the slope which, if positive, means that the MA is upwards, and if negative, that it is downwards. Here's the code:

double CalculateMAslope(const double& ma[], const int period)
    double sum_x = 0.0;
    double sum_y = 0.0;
    double sum_x2 = 0.0;
    double sum_xy = 0.0;

    for (int i = period - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        double x = i;
        double y = ma[i];
        sum_x += x;
        sum_y += y;
        sum_x2 += x * x;
        sum_xy += x * y;

    double slope = (period * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (period * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x);

    return slope;


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After testing, I've found that this isn't at all the case in practice. I have positive slopes but visually the Market Base line is tilted downwards. I need your help to explain to me how to go about determining the slopes so that the results given in the terminal reflect those seen on the graph. Thank you 

Moving Average - Trend Indicators - Technical Indicators - Price Charts, Technical and Fundamental Analysis - MetaTrader 5 Help
The Moving Average Technical Indicator shows the mean instrument price value for a certain period of time. When one calculates the moving average...
Herbert20: Hello community. I am currently coding an ea which will allow me to know if the market base line of the TDI indicator (trading dynamic index) which is an exponential moving average is inclined downwards or upwards. In my research I saw that I could use the slope which, if positive, means that the MA is upwards, and if negative, that it is downwards. Here's the code: After testing, I've found that this isn't at all the case in practice. I have positive slopes but visually the Market Base line is tilted downwards. I need your help to explain to me how to go about determining the slopes so that the results given in the terminal reflect those seen on the graph. Thank you 
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How to calculate slope of an EMA?
How to calculate slope of an EMA?
  • 2017.11.11
Hi, I've got this code calculating the moving average: double ma1 = iMA(NULL, MA1_TTIMEFRAME, MA1_PERIOD, 0, MA1_METHOD, MA1_PRICE, 0); How do I ca...

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okay thanks