No connection

I have had no connection for approx the last 30 mins. All other broker feeds are fine. My ISP is up and running. I am using Metatrader 4 Build 191, logging into the Metaquotes-Demo server. Does anybody else have this problem?
Thank you, fixed. Beta testing of new server.
Hi Frank
Same here - been down from approx 1130gmt+1
Ha haaaa, just the morning I take my first demo trades too!
Still, eod stuff so this is perhaps blessing in disguise, as to many
eod equates to: doTA->pullTheTrigger->goAwayAndHaveALife [at least until session ends]!!!!
and... that's what I wanna aspire to myself, so being dataless is good test for me as I made my decisions yesterday and that should be that.

But - for intraday people this must be total madness and true headache cause what do you do when 'live' trade [via MT platform] is on and this happens???

HEY....1248gmt+1 and connection back up!

guess I can now relax? until tonight anyway!
