Help with mtapi.dll

I am using which uses the metaquotes software.

They sent me a link for writing my own custom program to autotrade and send orders to their platform. This is what they sent:

"Please download the MetaTrader 3 API from the following link: "

I can get the MetaTradingAPIExample to connect with their server However when I try to login to a demo account using:

int loginid= 403213;
if((err=api.Login(loginid, "vfse2pr"))!=RET_OK)
printf("Error logging as '%d': %s\n", loginid, api.GetErrorDescription(err));
printf("4. login as '%d'\n", loginid);

I get an "inavlid account". I can login to the demo account manually. I have change the numbers on the above account for privacy reasons but the actual account can be logged into manually. I have repeated this with another demo account but with the same results.

Has anyone tried to use the mtapi.dll to login succesfully. If so, what am I doing wrong?

The folks did not have an answer and directed me to the forum.
I get an "inavlid account".

Please open a new demo account.
I found the answer to this. The folks had pointed me to a wrong server. The server should have been

Opening a new demo account did not fix the problem.