cannot live update (still)

I Wrote earlier that i could not live update i still have same prob as last time when i push update and restart button the live update simply freezes and donnot answer i am current on 186 version so from here problem started.

hey im trying again

I still have the same problem above. are u at metaquotes viling to help ? i just dont know what is wrong all other programs i have on my computer does autoupdate only 1 which dos not is metatrader4 thanks. Live broker did help me but without succes

Thanks Jannik
try deleting everything and reinstalling from scratch. Backup your code, of course.
I'm also having this problem. Mostly I wait till the broker supplies the newer version on his web and then I write it over the older version.

It also gives a bit of time to check for any unexpected problems. I never update immedeatly after the build 183 incident...