Date Format Issue

Current date format used in History Center is

I would recommend that the export history data use one of the following format

dd/mm/yyyy, ddmmyyyy, dd-mm-yyyy

mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy

These formats are widely used in many other analysis software, eg: Excel, Matlab. The problem I am facing is that the data I export from MetaTrade can not be used in Matlab because of the date format.
Current date format used in History Center is

I would recommend that the export history data use one of the following format

dd/mm/yyyy, ddmmyyyy, dd-mm-yyyy

mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy

These formats are widely used in many other analysis software, eg: Excel, Matlab. The problem I am facing is that the data I export from MetaTrade can not be used in Matlab because of the date format. is a correct SI format. Maybe you should address it to Matlab guys. (or simply convert it with some other tool, e.g. Perl)