Need help getting my bots migrated


I have found the help system absolutely useless and I am hoping someone can direct me to where/who can address the following issues.  I have two demo accounts and I am attempting to start a bot in each one.  I have VPS service in each account as well.  Here are my actions and the subsequent error messages:

-on one account, there is a red box to the right of the 'MQL5 London . . .' and there is no 'Start' button on the VPS tab (both of these are bad).  When I click on the 'Migrate' button it says one of two things

-- from "Network", "238577: trading has been disabled - disabled on server"  OR  it says from "Virtual Hosting", "6475210: cannot migrate, trading is not allowed on your account"

-on the other account, it does have a green triangle to the right of the 'MQL5 London . . .' and there is a 'Start' button on the VPS tab (both of these are good).  But when I click on the 'Migrate' button it says:

-- from "Virtual Hosting", "6475210: cannot migrate, trading is not allowed on your account"

Does anyone know where I can go to in order to get these things addressed?