about news filter

//|                                                         news.mq4 |
//|                                             Copyright © 2016 Tor |
//|                                              http://einvestor.ru |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2016 Tor"
#property link      "http://einvestor.ru/"
#property version   "1.0"
#property description "This Expert Advisor loads the News from the site Investing.com without using .dll"
#property strict

input  int AfterNewsStop=5; // Indent after News, minuts
input  int BeforeNewsStop=5; // Indent before News, minuts
input bool NewsLight= false; // Enable light news
input bool NewsMedium=false; // Enable medium news
input bool NewsHard=true; // Enable hard news
input int  offset=3;     // Your Time Zone, GMT (for news)
input string NewsSymb="USD,EUR,GBP,CHF,CAD,AUD,NZD,JPY"; //Currency to display the news (empty - only the current currencies) 
input bool  DrawLines=true;       // Draw lines on the chart
input bool  Next           = false;      // Draw only the future of news line
input bool  Signal         = false;      // Signals on the upcoming news

color highc          = clrRed;     // Colour important news
color mediumc        = clrBlue;    // Colour medium news
color lowc           = clrLime;    // The color of weak news
int   Style          = 2;          // Line style
int   Upd            = 86400;      // Period news updates in seconds

bool  Vhigh          = false;
bool  Vmedium        = false;
bool  Vlow           = false;
int   MinBefore=0;
int   MinAfter=0;

int NomNews=0;
string NewsArr[4][1000];
int Now=0;
datetime LastUpd;
string str1;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

   else str1=Symbol();


//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

   double CheckNews=0;
      if(TimeCurrent()-LastUpd>=Upd){Comment("News Loading...");Print("News Loading...");UpdateNews();LastUpd=TimeCurrent();Comment("");}
      //---Draw a line on the chart news--------------------------------------------
         for(int i=0;i<NomNews;i++)
            string Name=StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeNewsFunck(i),TIME_MINUTES)+"_"+NewsArr[1][i]+"_"+NewsArr[3][i],0,63);
            if(TimeNewsFunck(i)<TimeCurrent() && Next)continue;

            color clrf = clrNONE;
            if(Vhigh && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"High")>=0)clrf=highc;
            if(Vmedium && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Moderate")>=0)clrf=mediumc;
            if(Vlow && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Low")>=0)clrf=lowc;


      //---------------event Processing------------------------------------
      int i;
         int power=0;
         if(Vhigh && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"High")>=0)power=1;
         if(Vmedium && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Moderate")>=0)power=2;
         if(Vlow && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Low")>=0)power=3;
         if(TimeCurrent()+MinBefore*60>TimeNewsFunck(i) && TimeCurrent()-MinAfter*60<TimeNewsFunck(i) && StringFind(str1,NewsArr[1][i])>=0)
         else CheckNews=0;

      if(CheckNews==1 && i!=Now && Signal) { Alert("In ",(int)(TimeNewsFunck(i)-TimeCurrent())/60," minutes released news ",NewsArr[1][i],"_",NewsArr[3][i]);Now=i;}
/***  ***/

      /////  We are doing here if we are in the framework of the news
      Comment("News time");

      // We are out of scope of the news release (No News)
      Comment("No news");


// Download CBOE page source code in a text variable
// And returns the result
string ReadCBOE()

   string cookie=NULL,headers;
   char post[],result[];     string TXT="";
   int res;
//--- to work with the server, you must add the URL "https://www.google.com/finance"  
//--- the list of allowed URL (Main menu-> Tools-> Settings tab "Advisors"): 
   string google_url="https://ec.forexprostools.com/?columns=exc_currency,exc_importance&amp;importance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1";
//--- download html-pages
   int timeout=5000; //--- timeout less than 1,000 (1 sec.) is insufficient at a low speed of the Internet
//--- error checking
      Print("WebRequest error, err.code  =",GetLastError());
      MessageBox("You must add the address ' "+google_url+"' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' "," Error ",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
      //--- You must add the address ' "+ google url"' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' "," Error "
      //--- successful download
      //PrintFormat("File successfully downloaded, the file size in bytes  =%d.",ArraySize(result)); 
      //--- save the data in the file
      int filehandle=FileOpen("news-log.html",FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN);
      //--- ïðîâåðêà îøèáêè 
         //---save the contents of the array result [] in file 
         //--- close file 

         int filehandle2=FileOpen("news-log.html",FILE_READ|FILE_BIN);
         Print("Error in FileOpen. Error code =",GetLastError());

datetime TimeNewsFunck(int nomf)
   string s=NewsArr[0][nomf];
   string time=StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(s,0,4),".",StringSubstr(s,5,2),".",StringSubstr(s,8,2)," ",StringSubstr(s,11,2),":",StringSubstr(s,14,4));
   return((datetime)(StringToTime(time) + offset*3600));
void UpdateNews()
   string TEXT=ReadCBOE();
   int sh = StringFind(TEXT,"pageStartAt>")+12;
   int sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"</tbody>");

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"event_timestamp",sh)+17;
      sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"onclick",sh)-2;
      if(sh<17 || sh2<0)break;

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"flagCur",sh)+10;
      sh2= sh+3;
      if(sh<10 || sh2<3)break;

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"title",sh)+7;
      sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"Volatility",sh)-1;
      if(sh<7 || sh2<0)break;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"High")>=0 && !Vhigh)continue;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"Moderate")>=0 && !Vmedium)continue;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"Low")>=0 && !Vlow)continue;

      sh=StringFind(TEXT,"left event",sh)+12;
      int sh1=StringFind(TEXT,"Speaks",sh);
      if(sh<12 || sh2<0)break;
      if(sh1<0 || sh1>sh2)NewsArr[3][NomNews]=StringSubstr(TEXT,sh,sh2-sh);
      else NewsArr[3][NomNews]=StringSubstr(TEXT,sh,sh1-sh);

why this code does not work even i change the  link ???

can some one slove it plz 

string google_url="https://ec.forexprostools.com/?columns=exc_currency,exc_importance&amp;importance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1";

First step, use the correct URL. “&amp;” is not.

William Roeder #:
stil does not worrk  .. the  lines of news  dont appear in the chart graphic
stil does not worrk  .. the  lines of news  dont appear in the chart graphic
read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/389592/page4 (starting from page #4) for correct url and for some examples for MT4 and MT5.
News Filter Not Working. What is the new alternative??? - How to fix a security problem with news calendar and EAs
News Filter Not Working. What is the new alternative??? - How to fix a security problem with news calendar and EAs
  • 2023.03.21
  • www.mql5.com
Ask her to fix her codes, or to use the other news sources for example. The problem is a security problem where investing. By the way, i liked to trade high impacted news events only (i did not like to trade all the news events). ---------------------- the only problem for me is for dailyfx calendar source
ALI AMRIOUI #: stil does not worrk  .. the  lines of news  dont appear in the chart graphic

It will never work. Use the correct URL.

Sergey Golubev #:
read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/389592/page4 (starting from page #4) for correct url and for some examples for MT4 and MT5.

if i understand the probleme is in the source of news 

means https://ec.forexprostools.com stoped to provide the service

Sergey Golubev #:
read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/389592/page4 (starting from page #4) for correct url and for some examples for MT4 and MT5.

and the real question what we should doing if the forums news stoped to provide their services??

metatrader should have the same sevice and share the code 


and the real question what we should doing if the forums news stoped to provide their services??

metatrader should have the same sevice and share the code 

read post and especially the post  

And look at my posts on this page https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/389592/page5 because NewsTrader EA works for me now (it was uploaded to this page by source code) and having correct url.

News Filter Not Working. What is the new alternative??? - How to run a test code and find out if you are blocked by Cloudflare
News Filter Not Working. What is the new alternative??? - How to run a test code and find out if you are blocked by Cloudflare
  • 2023.03.21
  • www.mql5.com
I run this test code again today out of curiosity. This useless information indicates that your request is blocked by cloudflare, a service used to cache and protect websites from attacks. Cloudflare can block single ip address or range of addresses, depending on the rules
Sergey Golubev #:
Sergey Golubev #:
NewsTrader EA
Sergey Golubev #:

read post and especially the post  

And look at my posts on this page https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/389592/page5 because NewsTrader EA works for me now (it was uploaded to this page by source code) and having correct url.

realy thanks for u help ..but i dont understand what i should doing exactly.. do u mean i change the url link ?? and  also im using mt4 not mt5

 char data[],result[];
  string headers="";
  int status=WebRequest("GET","https://sslecal2.forexprostools.com","Referer: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1\r\n",15000,data,result,headers); 
  Print("Status "+status);
  Print("Data received "+IntegerToString(ArraySize(result)));
  int f=FileOpen("INVWR.html",FILE_WRITE|FILE_TXT);
char data[],result[];   string headers="";

finaly i found it and its work correctly 

//|                                                         news.mq4 |
//|                                             Copyright © 2016 Tor |
//|                                              http://einvestor.ru |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2016 Tor"
#property link      "http://einvestor.ru/"
#property version   "1.0"
#property description "This Expert Advisor loads the News from the site Investing.com without using .dll"
#property strict

input  int AfterNewsStop=5; // Indent after News, minuts
input  int BeforeNewsStop=5; // Indent before News, minuts
input bool NewsLight= false; // Enable light news
input bool NewsMedium=false; // Enable medium news
input bool NewsHard=true; // Enable hard news
input int  offset=3;     // Your Time Zone, GMT (for news)
input string NewsSymb="USD,EUR,GBP,CHF,CAD,AUD,NZD,JPY"; //Currency to display the news (empty - only the current currencies) 
input bool  DrawLines=true;       // Draw lines on the chart
input bool  Next           = false;      // Draw only the future of news line
input bool  Signal         = false;      // Signals on the upcoming news

color highc          = clrRed;     // Colour important news
color mediumc        = clrBlue;    // Colour medium news
color lowc           = clrLime;    // The color of weak news
int   Style          = 2;          // Line style
int   Upd            = 86400;      // Period news updates in seconds

bool  Vhigh          = false;
bool  Vmedium        = false;
bool  Vlow           = false;
int   MinBefore=0;
int   MinAfter=0;

int NomNews=0;
string NewsArr[4][1000];
int Now=0;
datetime LastUpd;
string str1;

int Ticket;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

   else str1=Symbol();


//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

   double CheckNews=0;
      if(TimeCurrent()-LastUpd>=Upd){Comment("News Loading...");Print("News Loading...");UpdateNews();LastUpd=TimeCurrent();Comment("");}
      //---Draw a line on the chart news--------------------------------------------
         for(int i=0;i<NomNews;i++)
            string Name=StringSubstr(TimeToStr(TimeNewsFunck(i),TIME_MINUTES)+"_"+NewsArr[1][i]+"_"+NewsArr[3][i],0,63);
            if(TimeNewsFunck(i)<TimeCurrent() && Next)continue;

            color clrf = clrNONE;
            if(Vhigh && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"High")>=0)clrf=highc;
            if(Vmedium && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Moderate")>=0)clrf=mediumc;
            if(Vlow && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Low")>=0)clrf=lowc;


      //---------------event Processing------------------------------------
      int i;
         int power=0;
         if(Vhigh && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"High")>=0)power=1;
         if(Vmedium && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Moderate")>=0)power=2;
         if(Vlow && StringFind(NewsArr[2][i],"Low")>=0)power=3;
         if(TimeCurrent()+MinBefore*60>TimeNewsFunck(i) && TimeCurrent()-MinAfter*60<TimeNewsFunck(i) && StringFind(str1,NewsArr[1][i])>=0)
         else CheckNews=0;

      if(CheckNews==1 && i!=Now && Signal) { Alert("In ",(int)(TimeNewsFunck(i)-TimeCurrent())/60," minutes released news ",NewsArr[1][i],"_",NewsArr[3][i]);Now=i;}
/***  ***/

      /////  We are doing here if we are in the framework of the news
      Comment("News time");

Ticket= OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,0.01, Bid,3,0,0,"b",123,0,clrRed);

      // We are out of scope of the news release (No News)
      Comment("No news");


// Download CBOE page source code in a text variable
// And returns the result

string ReadCBOE()

 char data[],result[];
  string headers="";
   string cookie=NULL,headers;
   char post[],result[];    
    string TXT="";
   int res;
//--- to work with the server, you must add the URL "https://www.google.com/finance"  
//--- the list of allowed URL (Main menu-> Tools-> Settings tab "Advisors"):

  string google_url="https://ec.forexprostools.com/?columns=exc_currency,exc_importance&amp;importance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1";


//--- download html-pages
   int timeout=5000; //--- timeout less than 1,000 (1 sec.) is insufficient at a low speed of the Internet
 res=  WebRequest("GET",google_url,"Referer: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1\r\n",15000,data,result,headers);
   res = WebRequest("GET","https://sslecal2.forexprostools.com",cookie,"Referer: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1\r\n",15000,post,0, result,headers);
//--- error checking
      Print("WebRequest error, err.code  =",GetLastError());
      MessageBox("You must add the address ' "+google_url+"' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' "," Error ",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
      //--- You must add the address ' "+ google url"' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' "," Error "
      //--- successful download
      //PrintFormat("File successfully downloaded, the file size in bytes  =%d.",ArraySize(result)); 
      //--- save the data in the file
      int filehandle=FileOpen("news-log.html",FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN);
      //--- ïðîâåðêà îøèáêè 
         //---save the contents of the array result [] in file 
         //--- close file 

         int filehandle2=FileOpen("news-log.html",FILE_READ|FILE_BIN);
         Print("Error in FileOpen. Error code =",GetLastError());


datetime TimeNewsFunck(int nomf)
   string s=NewsArr[0][nomf];
   string time=StringConcatenate(StringSubstr(s,0,4),".",StringSubstr(s,5,2),".",StringSubstr(s,8,2)," ",StringSubstr(s,11,2),":",StringSubstr(s,14,4));
   return((datetime)(StringToTime(time) + offset*3600));
void UpdateNews()
   string TEXT=ReadCBOE();
   int sh = StringFind(TEXT,"pageStartAt>")+12;
   int sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"</tbody>");

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"event_timestamp",sh)+17;
      sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"onclick",sh)-2;
      if(sh<17 || sh2<0)break;

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"flagCur",sh)+10;
      sh2= sh+3;
      if(sh<10 || sh2<3)break;

      sh = StringFind(TEXT,"title",sh)+7;
      sh2= StringFind(TEXT,"Volatility",sh)-1;
      if(sh<7 || sh2<0)break;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"High")>=0 && !Vhigh)continue;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"Moderate")>=0 && !Vmedium)continue;
      if(StringFind(NewsArr[2][NomNews],"Low")>=0 && !Vlow)continue;

      sh=StringFind(TEXT,"left event",sh)+12;
      int sh1=StringFind(TEXT,"Speaks",sh);
      if(sh<12 || sh2<0)break;
      if(sh1<0 || sh1>sh2)NewsArr[3][NomNews]=StringSubstr(TEXT,sh,sh2-sh);
      else NewsArr[3][NomNews]=StringSubstr(TEXT,sh,sh1-sh);


finaly i found it and its work correctly 

How can i do it in mql5 ?..