Error in calculating the growth rate of signal


My signal: <link to the signal was deleted by moderator>.

It's current growth should be 29.77% with a Initial deposit of $100.

But the system shows it as 7.8%. 

I've read this FAQ article 

it seems the system 's calculation is wrong. 

Please see my trading history in the attached screenshot.

Chen Zhang:

My signal: <link to the signal was deleted by moderator>.

It's current growth should be 29.77% with a Initial deposit of $100.

But the system shows it as 7.8%. 

I've read this FAQ article 

it seems the system 's calculation is wrong. 

Please see my trading history in the attached screenshot.

If you were reading the FAQ about How is the Growth in Signals Calculated so check the month you finished with the signal and your initial deposit.
For example, your signal was started to be monitored in 10 of May ... and it is 22nd of May now (the month was not yet finished).
And about the initial deposit ...

Anyway - you should wait when the month will be finished anyway.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
  • 2013.02.20
The most frequently asked questions related to the signals service will be collected and processed in this topic. I do not want to broadcast it anymore. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol
Sergey Golubev #:

If you were reading the FAQ about How is the Growth in Signals Calculated so check the month you finished with the signal and your initial deposit.
For example, your signal was started to be monitored in 10 of May ... and it is 22nd of May now (the month was not yet finished).
And about the initial deposit ...

Anyway - you should wait when the month will be finished anyway.

So you mean that all I can do is wait until June?
Chen Zhang: Please see my trading history in the attached screenshot.

No such attachment.

William Roeder #:

No such attachment.

I remember I posted the attachment before, and I don't know what happened.
Chen Zhang #I remember I posted the attachment before, and I don't know what happened.

You tried to cheat the system by withdrawing money 1 minute before the close of the first trade to fatten the growth and you screwed up your own statistics.

My recommendation (not official MetaQuotes, I'm just a simple user like you) is to create a new signal and try to do things better.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

You tried to cheat the system by withdrawing money 1 minute before the close of the first trade to fatten the growth and you screwed up your own statistics.

My recommendation (not official MetaQuotes, I'm just a simple user like you) is to create a new signal and try to do things better.

It's not cheating, just initial adjustment. I'm not changing the blance afterwards, and the system should correct the calculation, for the sake of better platform, not blame on me.
Chen Zhang # :
This is not cheating, just the initial setup. Then I don’t change Blance, and the system should correct the calculation, for the sake of a better platform, and not blame me.

Your initial deposit was 380 at the beginning.
After that - you have made a balance operation (withdrawal), and any balance operation while monitoring the signal is a negative factor (for the rating, etc.).
And this 380 was recorded in the statistics, and as a result (according to this part of the FAQ ):

Growth Coefficient K = K1 = 409.77 / 380 = 1.0783
Growth in Percentage Terms = (1.0783-1) * 100% = 7.83%

This is a simple calculation (the system calculates with a deposit of 380 because it was already recorded).


I think Miguel Angel Vico Alba is right: you are just mislead the system by changing the deposit.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
  • 2013.02.20
The most frequently asked questions related to the signals service will be collected and processed in this topic. I do not want to broadcast it anymore. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol

I am quoting this part of FAQ:

How is the Growth in Signals Calculated?
The growth shows how the balance of an account grows. It is calculated so that the influence of deposits and withdrawals is avoided.

" avoided" - so forget about this withdawal of 280 as it should not be affected on the growth.


Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - Trader Signals Service - The most frequently asked questions will be collected and processed in this topic
  • 2013.02.20
The most frequently asked questions related to the signals service will be collected and processed in this topic. I do not want to broadcast it anymore. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol
Chen Zhang #: It's not cheating, just initial adjustment. I'm not changing the blance afterwards, and the system should correct the calculation, for the sake of better platform, not blame on me.

As Sergey Golubev told you earlier you will have to wait until next month for the count to be correct.

I'm not saying that your withdrawal was premeditated, just that you somehow did what many others try to do (cheat the system with withdrawals). The monthly growth is tied to the starting balance in the current month and this makes sense since that is what we are talking about, monthly growth based on an "overall" balance in the current month and not trade by trade growth.

According to your logic then everyone could make a withdrawal before closing a positive trade with a balance that only takes into account the margin required for the lots and thus earn 30, 50, 100, 500% on each trade.

I hope this explanation helps you and you agree with me that this is the right way to do things for everyone's sake.

Sergey Golubev #:

I am quoting this part of FAQ:

How is the Growth in Signals Calculated?
The growth shows how the balance of an account grows. It is calculated so that the influence of deposits and withdrawals is avoided.

" avoided" - so forget about this withdawal of 280 as it should not be affected on the growth.


Thank you for highlighting. I understand this mechanism a little now.