Programming tutorials - page 8


R Program Bar Graph

R Program Bar Graph

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another video lesson on the R programming language. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple bar chart using R.

To begin, let's define a vector called "cars" with six values. We can accomplish this by creating a variable named "cars" and assigning it the values 2, 4, 7, 5, 10, and 12. This vector represents the data points we want to visualize in our bar chart.

Now, let's move on to creating the actual bar chart. We will utilize the "barplot()" function, which is specifically designed for creating bar charts in R. As the input parameter, we pass the "cars" vector to the function.

When we execute the code, a bar graph will be generated on the right side of the screen, displaying the six values from our "cars" vector as individual bars.

I hope you found this short video tutorial on creating a simple bar chart in the R programming language helpful and informative. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section. Stay tuned for the next video, where we will delve into more exciting topics.

R Program Bar Graph
R Program Bar Graph
  • 2017.05.13
Create a simple bar graph using the R programming languagePlease Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutorial:https://w...

Linear Regression R Program Make Predictions

Linear Regression R Program Make Predictions

Hello everyone, and welcome to this video tutorial on the R programming language.

In this tutorial, we will delve into data analytics and focus on making predictions using the linear regression model. Linear regression is a powerful tool for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable (Y) and one or more independent variables (X) in the form of a straight line equation.

To begin, let's select a suitable dataset for our prediction. R provides numerous built-in datasets, which can be accessed by typing data() and exploring the available options. For this tutorial, we will use the "women" dataset, which contains average height and weight values for American women. We can examine the dataset by typing View(women) and observe its structure with 15 rows and 2 columns: height and weight.

Our goal is to predict a woman's weight based on her height. To accomplish this, we will utilize the linear model. We start by creating a variable called "linear_model" and assigning it the result of the lm() function. This function requires the specification of the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X). In this case, weight will be the dependent variable (Y), and height will be the independent variable (X), as denoted by the syntax weight ~ height. Additionally, we need to specify the dataset using the data parameter, which we set as "women".

Having defined our linear model, we can examine its coefficients. These coefficients correspond to the slope (M) and intercept (B) in the equation Y = MX + B. In our case, the coefficients are -87.52 and 3.45, respectively. Thus, our predicted weight (Y) can be calculated by multiplying the height (X) by the slope (3.45) and adding the intercept (-87.52).

To test our prediction, let's use a height value of 59 inches. Multiplying this by the slope (3.45) and adding the intercept (-87.52), we obtain a predicted weight of 116.03, which is close to the expected value of 117.

Now, let's visualize the data and the linear regression line. We can plot the dataset using the plot() function, specifying the Y and X values, and the dataset as the data parameter. By calling the abline() function with our linear model, we can overlay the regression line on the plot.

In conclusion, we have explored the process of making predictions using the linear regression model in R. It's important to note that the dataset used in this tutorial is relatively small, consisting of only 15 rows. In real-world scenarios, larger datasets are typically employed for more accurate predictions. Nonetheless, the demonstration provides an understanding of the linear regression process.

Thank you for watching this video tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section. Stay tuned for the next video!

Linear Regression R Program Make Predictions
Linear Regression R Program Make Predictions
  • 2017.05.11
Use Linear regression Model on R program data set to make predictions.Please Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutori...

How To Install R Packages

How To Install R Packages

Hello everyone, and welcome to this video. Today, I want to discuss the process of installing packages in R.

In particular, I will demonstrate how to install the ggplot2 package, which is widely used for data visualization. To begin, I noticed that the ggplot2 package is currently not available in my library. When I attempt to import it using library(ggplot2), an error message appears stating that there is no package called ggplot2.

To resolve this issue, I need to install the ggplot2 package. Fortunately, installing packages in R is straightforward. We can use the install.packages() function followed by the name of the package enclosed in quotation marks. In this case, I will execute the command install.packages("ggplot2") and press Enter.

The installation process begins, and R starts downloading the necessary files and data for the ggplot2 package from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). It's important to have an internet connection during this step.

The ggplot2 package is renowned for its ability to create visually appealing and customizable graphics. It leverages the grammar of graphics to construct layered plots, providing great flexibility in data visualization.

Once the installation is complete, we can proceed to load the ggplot2 package into our environment. To do this, we use the library() function and pass "ggplot2" as the argument. Upon executing library(ggplot2), we no longer encounter the previous error message, indicating that the package has been successfully installed and loaded.

Thank you for watching this video tutorial on installing packages in R. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section. Don't forget to like this video, subscribe to the channel for more content, and stay tuned for the next video lesson.

How To Install R Packages
How To Install R Packages
  • 2017.05.11
Install R packages using instal.packages("[package_name_here]") commandPlease Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutor...

R Program Bar Chart Color

R Program Bar Chart Color

Hey everyone, and welcome to this video tutorial on the R programming language. In this session, we will be using RStudio to create a visually appealing bar chart using the R programming language.

To begin, let's open RStudio and set up our environment. We already have a specific objective in mind, which is to create a bar chart. But this time, we'll focus on making it look more aesthetically pleasing.

Now, let's define a vector called "cars" with seven values. We can achieve this by creating a variable named "cars" and assigning it a vector that contains seven elements. Let's use the values 3, 5, 8, 6, 11, 12, and 4.

Next, we'll utilize the "barplot()" function, just as we did before, to create the bar chart. However, this time, we'll add some additional parameters to enhance the appearance of the chart.

First, let's add a title to the chart. We'll use the "main" parameter and set it to "Cars" to give our bar chart a descriptive title.

Furthermore, we want to label the y-axis, indicating that the values represent the weight of the cars. We can accomplish this by specifying the "ylab" parameter and setting it to "Weight".

Additionally, we should label the x-axis to indicate that each bar represents a different type of car. We'll use the "xlab" parameter and set it to "Type".

Lastly, to add some visual appeal, let's use different colors for the bars. We'll set the "col" parameter to "rainbow(7)" to create a rainbow of seven distinct colors.

Once we execute the code, the bar chart will appear on the right side of the screen. It will be titled "Cars" and will display the weight values on the y-axis and the different types of cars on the x-axis. The bars themselves will be colored using a vibrant rainbow palette.

I hope you found this video tutorial helpful and enjoyable. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Remember to leave your comments below, and I'll do my best to address them. Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials in the next video.

R Program Bar Chart Color
R Program Bar Chart Color
  • 2017.05.13
Create a Bar chart with color, title, and labels in the R programming language.Please Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programmi...

R Programming Histogram Example

R Programming Histogram Example

Hey everyone, and welcome to this tutorial on the R programming language. In this video, we'll be exploring how to create a simple histogram using R. Let's dive right in!

To begin, we'll define a vector called "suv's" with seven elements. We can achieve this by creating a variable named "suv's" and assigning it a vector that contains the values 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 19, 45, and 100.

Now that we have our suv's vector set up, we can proceed to create a histogram. This can be done using the "hist()" function. We'll pass the "suv's" vector as a parameter to the function.

Upon executing the code, a histogram will be displayed on the right side of the screen. The y-axis represents the frequency, while the x-axis represents the range of values. In this case, we can observe that the range from 0 to 20 has a frequency of 5, indicating that there are five occurrences of values within that range. Similarly, the ranges from 40 to 60 and 80 to 100 have frequencies of 3 and 1, respectively.

I hope you found this video tutorial informative and straightforward. Creating a histogram using R is a useful way to visualize the distribution of data. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials in the next video.

R Programming Histogram Example
R Programming Histogram Example
  • 2017.05.13
Simple Histogram program in RPlease Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutorial:

R Programming Subset

R Programming Subset

Hey guys, and welcome to this video on the R programming language. In this tutorial, we're going to explore subsetting, which involves extracting a specific subset of data. Let's get started!

Suppose we have a vector called "X" containing the values 12, 13, 56, 4, 5, and 89. We'll print this vector to the console to verify its contents.

Now, let's say we want to extract a subset of the data where the values are greater than 10. We can achieve this by using the expression "X > 10." This will give us a subset of the data where all the values are greater than 10.

Next, suppose we want to change these selected values to 4. We can simply assign the value 4 to the subset we obtained earlier by using the expression "X[X > 10] <- 4." This will replace all the values greater than 10 in "X" with 4.

Printing out the modified "X," we can observe that the values greater than 10 have indeed been changed to 4.

Now, let's work with some external data. We have a CSV file located on the desktop, and we want to read it into a data frame called "dataset." Using the "read.csv()" function, we specify the file path and name to import the CSV data. Printing out the "dataset," we can see the dimensions (153 rows and 6 columns) and identify missing values labeled as "NA."

Moving on, let's explore various manipulations with this data. We can extract the first two rows of the dataset using the "head()" function, specifying "dataset" and the number of rows we want (2). Alternatively, we can use indexing by rows and columns with "dataset[1:2, ]" or "dataset[c(1, 2), ]." All these methods provide the same outcome of retrieving the first two rows.

To determine the number of rows in the dataset, we can use the "nrow()" function and pass the "dataset" as an argument. This gives us the count of rows, which is 153.

Suppose we want to extract the last two rows of the dataset. We can accomplish this by using the "tail()" function with "dataset" and specifying the number of rows (2). The last two rows are returned.

Now, let's find the value of the "ozone" column in the 47th row. We can directly access it using indexing, such as "dataset[47, 'ozone']" or "dataset[47, 1]." This retrieves the value 21.

Alternatively, we can use the column name instead of the column index. For example, "dataset[47, 'ozone']" will also return 21.

Suppose we want to find missing values in the "ozone" column. We can create a subset of the dataset using the "subset()" function. The subset will consist of rows where the "ozone" column has "NA" values. Printing out the subset, we can see that the "ozone" column contains only "NA" values.

To determine the count of missing values in the "ozone" column, we can use the "nrow()" function on the subset, which gives us the answer as 37.

In case we want to remove missing values from the dataset, we can use the "na.omit()" function and pass the "dataset" as an argument. This returns a dataset with missing values removed.

Another way to achieve this is by using the "complete.cases()" function with "dataset" as the argument. It provides the same result of removing rows with "NA" values.

Now, let's move on to finding the maximum value of the "ozone" column in the month of May. We can create a subset of the dataset using the "subset()" function. Within the subset function, we specify the conditions: the month should be equal to 5 (representing May) and the "ozone" column should not contain missing values. Printing out the subset, we can see the filtered data.

To obtain the maximum value from this subset without visually inspecting it, we can use the "apply()" function. By applying the "max()" function to the columns of the subset, we retrieve the maximum value. In this case, we apply it to the "ozone" column. The maximum ozone value in May is found to be 115.

In conclusion, we have covered various subsetting techniques in R, including extracting subsets based on conditions, accessing specific elements using indexing, handling missing values, and performing calculations on subsets. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Don't forget to subscribe for more R programming tutorials. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

R Programming Subset
R Programming Subset
  • 2017.05.30
Get subsets of matrices and data framesPlease Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutorial:

R Program Subset2

R Program Subset2

Hey guys, welcome to this video on the R programming language. In this tutorial, we're going to find the mean of sepal length for the species 'virginica' in the 'iris' dataset. Let's begin by exploring the predefined datasets in R. To view the available datasets, we use the 'data()' function without any arguments. This displays a list of datasets provided in R. For our analysis, we'll be working with the 'iris' dataset.

Let's load the 'iris' dataset by typing 'data(iris)'. This loads the entire dataset, which consists of 150 rows and five columns: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width, and species. To extract a subset containing only the 'virginica' species, we create a new variable called 'iris_subset'. Using the subset operation, we specify that we want all rows where the species is equal to 'virginica'. Since we want all columns as well, we omit the column specification.

Printing out the 'iris_subset', we can observe that we now have a subset of the 'iris' dataset containing only the 'virginica' species. Next, we are interested in calculating the mean of the sepal length for this subset. To focus on the sepal length column, we modify the 'iris_subset' to include only the sepal length column.

Now, let's convert the 'iris_subset' into a matrix. We assign the converted matrix to a new variable called 'iris_subset_matrix' using the 'as.matrix()' function. By converting it into a matrix, we can apply mathematical operations on specific columns. The 'iris_subset_matrix' looks similar to the original subset but is now a matrix object.

To calculate the mean of the sepal length, we use the 'mean()' function on the sepal length column of the 'iris_subset_matrix'. This gives us a mean value of 6.588 for the sepal length of the 'virginica' species.

It's worth mentioning that there are alternative ways to perform subsetting using the 'subset()' function. However, in this tutorial, we demonstrated an alternative approach to manipulate data in R by extracting subsets, converting them into matrices, and performing calculations. These techniques provide flexibility in data analysis.

Thank you for watching! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel for more R programming tutorials. Stay tuned for the next video!

R Program Subset2
R Program Subset2
  • 2017.06.07
Get the mean of Sepal.Length for species virginica in the iris dataset.Please Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutor...

Reading JSON R Programming

Reading JSON R Programming

Hey guys, welcome to this tutorial on the R programming language. In this video, we'll be discussing how to extract information from JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). To demonstrate this, I have the GitHub API in the background, which displays information about all my repositories. You can see my GitHub username highlighted, along with a list of repositories, including 'awesome-tensorflow' which I forked from another repository.

To extract and work with this data, we'll use the 'jsonlite' library in R. Let's begin by retrieving the data from the JSON. We'll create a variable called 'json_data' and use the 'fromJSON()' function to fetch the data from a specific URL. I'll copy the GitHub API URL and pass it as an argument to the 'fromJSON()' function.

Upon executing this code, we obtain a data frame. To confirm the class of 'json_data', we use the 'class()' function, which reveals that it is indeed a data frame.

Now, let's explore the contents of the 'json_data' variable. We can use the 'names()' function to retrieve the names of the attributes in the data frame. By typing 'names(json_data)', we obtain a list of attributes, including 'name', which represents the name of each repository.

To extract the names of all my repositories, we can access the 'name' attribute directly using the syntax 'json_data$name'. This reveals the names of all my repositories, totaling around 30.

Next, let's consider the scenario of converting a data frame, such as the 'iris' dataset, into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. To achieve this, we can use the 'toJSON()' function. For example, let's create a variable called 'my_json' and apply the 'toJSON()' function to the 'iris' dataset. Additionally, we can include the 'pretty' parameter to ensure the resulting JSON is formatted in a visually pleasing manner.

Printing out 'my_json', we can observe that the JSON is neatly formatted with proper indentation. It displays the attributes 'sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width', and 'species' along with their corresponding values, such as '6.3', '4.8', '1.8', and 'virginica'.

If we remove the 'pretty' parameter and generate the JSON again, it becomes less readable and is truncated due to its length. Thus, using the 'pretty' parameter is recommended for better visualization.

Now, let's explore how to convert the JSON back to a data frame. To achieve this, we can use the 'fromJSON()' function and provide the 'my_json' variable as the parameter. Executing this code returns the original data frame, effectively reversing the conversion process.

Thank you for watching! If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more R programming tutorials. Stay tuned for the next video!

Reading JSON R Programming
Reading JSON R Programming
  • 2017.06.20
Read in Javascript Object Notation (JSON) from git API using the R Programming Language.Git API: the co...

Read CSV File In R

Read CSV File In R

Hey guys, welcome to this video tutorial on the R programming language. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to open a CSV file using R. To get started, I've already opened the R help documentation on the right side of the screen. We can see that there's a function called 'read.csv()' that we can use for this task. By default, this function assumes that the file has headers and the values are separated by commas.

Let's create a variable called 'my_data' to store the data from the CSV file. We'll use the 'read.csv()' function to read the file. We can specify the file path as an argument to the function. To obtain the file path, I have a CSV file containing house data, which I obtained from the Kaggle website. I'll right-click on the file, go to 'Properties', and copy the file location. Returning to RStudio, I'll paste the file path within the quotation marks.

Now, we need to include the file name in the file path. I'll add a forward slash after the file path and paste the file name. It's important to note that since I'm using a Windows machine, the file path contains backward slashes. However, R requires forward slashes or escaped backward slashes. If we execute the code now, we'll encounter an error due to the backward slashes. To resolve this, we'll manually reverse the slashes.

Let's press ENTER to execute the code. As a result, we obtain a data frame named 'my_data' with 1,460 observations or rows and 81 features or columns. We can confirm this by using the 'nrow()' and 'ncol()' functions with 'my_data'.

To examine the data, we can either double-click on the variable 'my_data' in the Environment pane or use the command 'my_data' in the console. However, viewing the entire data frame in the console may not be very readable. Therefore, I recommend double-clicking on 'my_data' to display a nicely formatted table.

That's it for this tutorial, guys! Thank you for watching. I hope you found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more R programming tutorials. Stay tuned for the next video!

Read CSV File In R
Read CSV File In R
  • 2017.07.08
Read a .CSV file in R programming languagePlease Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutorial:

Multiple Linear Regression In R

Multiple Linear Regression In R

Hey guys, welcome to this video on the R programming language. Today, I want to discuss multiple linear regression and demonstrate how to implement it in RStudio. To begin, we need a dataset for analysis. I already have a CSV file called 'real_estate.csv,' which I obtained online. You can find the link to download this dataset in the description below.

Let's start by creating a variable called 'my_data' and use the 'read.csv()' function to read the CSV file into RStudio. We need to specify the location and name of the file. To obtain the location, I'll right-click on the file and click 'Properties' to copy the file location. After pasting the location, I'll enclose it in quotation marks. Additionally, I'll include the file name after a slash and make sure to reverse the slashes to match the required format for Windows machines. Executing this code creates the 'my_data' data frame, which contains 781 rows and 8 columns.

Now, let's take a closer look at the data frame. We have several columns, including 'MLS' (multiple listing service number), 'Location,' 'Price,' 'Bedrooms,' 'Bathrooms,' 'Size' (house size in square feet), 'Price/sq ft,' and 'Status' (sale type). For the purpose of demonstrating multiple linear regression, we'll work only with numerical columns and exclude 'Location' and 'Status.'

To create a new data set, I'll assign 'my_data' to a new variable called 'my_data2' and select columns 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. This new data set contains 781 rows and 6 columns.

Now, let's move on to creating our linear model. I'll create a variable called 'lin_mod' and set it equal to the 'lm()' function, which stands for linear model. We want to predict the 'Price' based on features such as 'MLS,' 'Bedrooms,' 'Bathrooms,' 'Size,' and 'Price/sq ft.' By specifying 'Price' as the dependent variable and including the other features, we can build our linear model using the 'my_data2' dataset.

To obtain a summary of our linear model, I'll use the 'summary()' function on 'lin_mod.' The summary provides information about the residuals, coefficients, and p-values. The significance of variables can be visually determined using stars, where three stars indicate high significance.

Now that we have our linear model, let's try making a prediction. I'll create a variable called 'price' and set it equal to the intercept coefficient minus 7.34, plus the coefficients of the variables multiplied by their respective values from the last row in the table. For example, we'll multiply the 'MLS' value by its coefficient and add it to the equation. Similarly, we'll include 'Bedrooms,' 'Bathrooms,' 'Size,' and 'Price/sq ft' in the prediction equation.

Let's print the predicted price and compare it to the actual price of the last row in the dataset. The predicted price should be around $1,100,000. After executing the code, we obtain a predicted price of $1,023,000, which is approximately $77,000 lower than the actual price. Although the difference is significant, it may not be a major concern for buyers considering a million-dollar house.

I hope you found this video informative and enjoyable. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Don't forget to like this video and stay tuned for more tutorials. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

Multiple Linear Regression In R
Multiple Linear Regression In R
  • 2017.07.10
Multiple Linear Regression In R prediction.Get the Code: the Dataset:https://wiki.c...