Programming tutorials - page 13


Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations

Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations

Hey everybody, today we're going to explore the concepts of counting, including factorials, permutations, and combinations. It all comes down to the fundamental counting principle, which states that if one event can occur in M ways and the second event can occur in N ways, then the two events in sequence can occur in a total of M times N ways. Importantly, the outcome of the first event does not affect the number of outcomes possible for the second event.

Let's begin with an example. Suppose a menu includes 6 salads and 8 soups. How many soup and salad combinations are possible? First, we pick a salad, which gives us 6 possibilities. For each of those choices, there are 8 possible soups. Therefore, we end up with 6 groups of 8, resulting in a total of 48 possible combinations.

This idea extends to longer sequences of events. For instance, if a menu includes 6 salads, 8 soups, 15 entrees, and 3 desserts, then there are 6 times 8 times 15 times 3, which equals 2,160 possible meals.

Sometimes, we need to count the number of ways objects, people, or things can be arranged. For example, how many different ways can a group of 4 people stand in line? We can use the fundamental counting principle again. There are 4 different choices for the first person in line, 3 choices for the second person, 2 choices for the third, and 1 choice for the fourth. Multiplying these numbers together, we find that there are 4 times 3 times 2 times 1, which equals 24 ways the 4 people can be arranged in the line. This calculation is so common that we give it a special name: factorial.

In general, the factorial of a number N, denoted as N!, is the product of the first N positive integers. For example, 3! is 1 times 2 times 3, 5! is 1 times 2 times 3 times 4 times 5, and so on. The factorial grows rapidly, even faster than exponential growth. For instance, 10! is already more than 3 million.

Let's consider a slightly more complex example. Suppose 12 horses enter a race, and we want to know how many different ways they can win, place, and show, meaning the first three positions. We can apply the fundamental counting principle once again. There are 12 possible winners, 11 possible second-place finishers, and 10 possible third-place finishers. Multiplying these numbers, we find that there are 12 times 11 times 10, resulting in 1,320 possible combinations.

To generalize this, suppose we have N items and we want to count the number of arrangements for the first K items. Using the fundamental counting principle, there are N choices for the first item, N - 1 choices for the second, and so on, until we have K terms in total. The last term will be N - K + 1. We denote this as NPK, which is equal to N factorial divided by (N - K) factorial.

Another situation arises when we want to count the number of ways we can select groups of K objects without regard to their order. This is called combinations. For example, if three out of twelve horses in a race are randomly selected for drug testing, how many ways can the horses be chosen? In this case, the order does not matter. We use the notation NCk, which represents the number of ways K things can be chosen from a total of N things without considering the order. To compute this, we use the formula N choose K = NPK /(K factorial). In the given example, we need to calculate 12 choose 3. To do this, we can apply a little algebraic manipulation. We can rewrite 12 choose 3 as 12 permute 3 divided by 3 factorial. Simplifying further, we have 12! / (12 - 3)! * 3!. After performing the calculations, we find that 12 choose 3 is equal to 220. Therefore, there are 220 ways to choose 3 horses out of the 12 for random drug testing.

In general, we can express N choose K as N factorial divided by (N - K) factorial times K factorial. This formula allows us to calculate the number of combinations for various scenarios.

When dealing with permutations and combinations, the crucial question to ask is whether order matters. If order matters, it is a permutation problem. If order does not matter, it is a combination problem.

Let's explore a few examples. Suppose we want to form a committee of four people from a class of twenty students. In this case, the order of selection does not matter, so we need to calculate 20 choose 4. Using the formula, we find that 20 choose 4 is equal to 20! / (20 - 4)! * 4!, which simplifies to 48,845. Therefore, there are 48,845 ways to form a committee of four people from the class of twenty students.

Now, let's consider another scenario. If the committee of four people must include a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, the order of selection matters. Here, we need to calculate 20 permute 4, which is 20! / (20 - 4)!. After performing the calculations, we find that there are 116,280 possible arrangements.

In a slightly different situation, let's assume that a committee of four people needs to be formed from a class of twenty students, and one person must be designated as the president. This is a hybrid problem involving two steps. First, we select the president, which can be done in 20 different ways. Then, we choose the remaining three members of the committee, where the order does not matter. This corresponds to 19 choose 3. Therefore, the total number of possibilities is 20 times (19 choose 3). After calculating this, we find that there are 19,382 possible outcomes.

In summary, permutations and combinations involve counting the number of ways events can occur or objects can be arranged. Understanding whether order matters or not is crucial in determining the appropriate method to solve the problem. By applying the fundamental counting principle and utilizing the formulas for permutations and combinations, we can effectively count the possibilities in various scenarios.

Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
  • 2020.07.04
Let's learn to count. Factorials, permutations, and combinations all rely on the terribly important Fundamental Counting Principle. Make it your friend! If t...

Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule

Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule

Hey everybody, today we're going to delve into the concept of conditional probability and the multiplication rule. Let's start by illustrating the idea of conditional probability using an example.

In a study, a researcher contacted 1,250 adults and asked each one whether they prefer dogs or cats. To begin, let's calculate the probability of randomly selecting a respondent from this sample who prefers dogs. Out of the 1,250 respondents, there are 589 individuals who prefer dogs. Therefore, the probability of randomly selecting someone who prefers dogs is 589/1,250, which equals 0.471 or 47.1%.

Next, let's compute the probability that a respondent over the age of 55 prefers dogs to cats. We focus on the column labeled "55+" in the table. Within this column, there are 143 adults who prefer dogs out of a total of 325 individuals. Therefore, the probability of randomly selecting someone from that column who prefers dogs is 143/325, which is approximately 0.44 or 44%.

Notice that the two probabilities are not the same. This highlights the concept of conditional probability, which is defined as the probability of event B occurring when we already know that event A has occurred. In our example, we calculated not only the probability of event B (preferring dogs), but also the probability of B given A (preferring dogs given the respondent is over 55 years old).

Let's consider another example involving conditional probability. We have a deck of cards, and two cards are drawn from it without replacement. If the first card drawn is a king, we want to find the probability that the second card drawn is also a king. Here, we have two events: A is the event that the first card drawn is a king, and B is the event that the second card is a king.

If the first event occurs (we draw a king), we now have 51 cards remaining, out of which three are kings. Therefore, the probability of drawing a second king is 3/51, which is approximately 0.059 or 5.9%. It's important to note that this probability is different from the probability of the first card being a king, which would be 4/52 or 0.077.

Conditional probability is particularly useful when we want to calculate the probability that two events, A and B, both occur. This is where the multiplication rule comes into play. The probability that events A and B both occur in sequence is given by the formula: P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B|A). We interpret it as the probability of the first event occurring multiplied by the probability of the second event occurring, assuming the first event has already happened.

For example, let's calculate the probability of drawing two kings from a standard deck without replacement. The probability of the first card being a king is 4/52, and the probability of the second card being a king, given that the first card is a king, is 3/51. Multiplying these probabilities together, we find that the probability of both cards being kings is approximately 0.0045 or 0.45%.

Now, let's consider the scenario where a customer orders alcohol and an appetizer at a restaurant. We have observed that the probability of a customer ordering alcohol (event A) is 40%, the probability of ordering an appetizer (event B) is 30%, and the probability of ordering both alcohol and an appetizer (events A and B) is 20%.

To calculate the conditional probability of ordering alcohol given that the customer ordered an appetizer (P(A|B)), we can use the multiplication rule. Plugging in the given values, we have P(A and B) = 20%, P(B) = 30%. By rearranging the multiplication rule formula, we can solve for P(A|B):

P(A|B) = P(A and B) / P(B)

Substituting the given values, we have P(A|B) = 20% / 30% = 2/3 or approximately 0.667. Therefore, the probability of a customer ordering alcohol given that they ordered an appetizer is two-thirds.

Similarly, let's calculate the probability of ordering an appetizer given that the customer ordered alcohol (P(B|A)). Again, using the multiplication rule, we have:

P(B|A) = P(A and B) / P(A)

Substituting the given values, we have P(B|A) = 20% / 40% = 1/2 or 0.5. Thus, the probability of a customer ordering an appetizer given that they ordered alcohol is one-half.

It's important to note that these two conditional probabilities are different, indicating that the events of ordering alcohol and ordering an appetizer are dependent. The fact that P(A|B) is not equal to P(A) and P(B|A) is not equal to P(B) suggests that knowing whether one event occurred provides information about the likelihood of the other event occurring.

Now, let's consider a few examples to determine whether the listed pairs of events are independent or not:

  1. Getting diabetes if both of your parents have diabetes: These events are dependent. If both parents have diabetes, the likelihood of an individual getting diabetes increases. However, it's not certain that the individual will develop diabetes, and it's still possible to develop diabetes without a family history of the condition.

  2. Getting a five on the first roll of a standard die and getting a four on the second roll: These events are independent. The outcome of the first roll does not provide any information about the outcome of the second roll. The probability of rolling a five and rolling a four on a fair die is 1/6 for each event.

  3. Smoking cigarettes and getting lung cancer: These events are dependent. Smoking cigarettes increases the likelihood of developing lung cancer. However, it's not a certainty, and individuals who do not smoke can still develop lung cancer.

  4. Two cards drawn from a standard deck without replacement, and both cards are aces: These events are dependent. The probability of drawing the second card as an ace depends on whether the first card drawn was an ace. The probability of both cards being aces is lower than the probability of the first card being an ace.

  5. Two cards drawn from a standard deck with replacement, and both cards are aces: These events are independent. Replacing the card after the first draw eliminates any influence or information gained from the first card. The probability of drawing an ace remains the same for both cards.

In general, two events are considered independent if the probability of one event occurring given the occurrence of the other event is equal to the probability of the event occurring independently. When the probabilities differ, the events are dependent.

Finally, let's analyze a scenario involving a manager studying the accuracy of orders in a restaurant. The manager examines 960 orders for different meals and times of the day to determine probabilities.

Question 1: The probability that a randomly selected order from this dataset was filled correctly can be calculated as follows: There are 842 orders that were filled correctly out of 960 total orders. Thus, the probability is 842/960, which equals approximately 0.877 or 87.7%.

Question 2: To find the probability that a randomly selected dinner order was filled correctly, we consider conditional probability. Among the dinner orders, there are 249 correctly filled orders out of a total of 280 dinner orders. Therefore, the probability is 249/280, which is approximately 0.889 or 88.9%.

Question 3: To determine whether randomly selecting a correct order is independent of randomly selecting a dinner order, we compare the conditional probability P(A|B) with the probability P(A). In this case, P(A|B) is 0.889 (as calculated in the previous question), and P(A) is 0.877 (from the first question). Since the two probabilities are not equal, we can conclude that randomly selecting a correct order is not independent of randomly selecting a dinner order.

It's important to note that in this example, we have considered classical probability, which involves calculating probabilities based on the given data set. The question of whether future observations of these variables will be independent is more complex and requires statistical analysis, such as chi-square testing. Empirically determining the independence of events involves assessing the presence of random variability and analyzing a larger sample size.

Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule
Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule
  • 2020.09.20
How does information about the probability of one event change the probability of another event? Let's get into it! If this vid helps you, please help me a t...

An Introduction to Random Variables

An Introduction to Random Variables

Hello everyone, today we are delving into the concept of random variables. A random variable is a variable that is defined over some probabilistic process, where the outcome of the process is represented by a numerical value. Let's explore a few examples to gain a better understanding.

Consider the scenario of rolling two dice and taking their sum. The sum of the dice can be considered a random variable. Another example is flipping a coin 50 times and counting the number of heads. The count of heads obtained in this experiment is also a random variable. Similarly, measuring the exact height of a randomly selected person in the city of Chicago or measuring the length of an eruption of the Old Faithful geyser are examples of random variables.

It's important to note that not all outcomes of a probabilistic experiment are random variables. For instance, the gender of a randomly selected puppy at a dog shelter or the eye color of a randomly chosen US senator are outcomes that do not fall under the category of random variables. These are categorical data since they are not numerical and do not define random variables.

There are two fundamental types of random variables: discrete and continuous. Continuous random variables take their values within a specific range, such as the exact length of an eruption or the exact height of a randomly selected person. These values can include fractions and decimals to any desired level of accuracy. On the other hand, discrete random variables have values that can be listed individually, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

When a random variable has a finite number of possible outcomes, we can construct a table that lists all these outcomes along with their corresponding probabilities. This table is called a discrete probability distribution. Let's consider an example where we flip a coin three times and count the number of heads obtained. The possible outcomes are 0, 1, 2, or 3 heads, and we assign probabilities to each outcome. For instance, there is a 1 in 8 chance of getting no heads, and the probabilities decrease or increase accordingly.

Constructing a discrete probability distribution can also be done using data. Suppose we survey a random sample of 100 adults in the United States and ask them how many times they ate dinner out in a week, with responses ranging from 0 to 5. We can calculate the probabilities of selecting individuals who fall into each category by dividing the number of people in that category by the total sample size, which is 100. This results in a probability distribution that shows all the possible outcomes of the random variable (number of times eating out) along with their respective probabilities.

To visually represent discrete probability distributions, we can draw probability histograms. Continuing with the previous example, we can create a histogram with the categories 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the x-axis and the corresponding probabilities as the heights of the bars. For instance, if the probability of having zero meals out in the last week is 0.49, we draw a bar at the height of 0.49 for the category x=0. The shape of this probability histogram would be identical to the shape of a frequency distribution histogram for the same data.

In summary, random variables are numerical values that represent the outcomes of probabilistic experiments. They can be either discrete or continuous. Discrete random variables have a finite number of possible outcomes, and their probabilities can be represented using a discrete probability distribution. Probability histograms are useful for visually depicting discrete probability distributions and understanding the likelihood of different outcomes.

An Introduction to Random Variables
An Introduction to Random Variables
  • 2020.04.30
What is a random variable? What are the different types? How can we quantify and visualize them? If this vid helps you, please help me a tiny bit by mashing ...

Probability Histograms in R

Probability Histograms in R

Hello everyone! Today, we will be exploring the process of constructing beautiful probability histograms in R using the qplot command. Let's walk through a couple of examples.

In our first example, we have a discrete random variable called X, which can take values from 1 to 6, along with their respective probabilities. To begin, let's input the data and generate the histogram in R.

We start by defining the variable X, which can take values from 1 to 6. We can use the abbreviated colon operator, 1:6, to accomplish this. Now, our variable X contains the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Next, we create a vector to store the corresponding probabilities. In this case, the probabilities for the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are 0.15, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.05, respectively. It is important to note that the order of the probabilities must match the order of the corresponding values.

To ensure we inputted the data correctly, we can perform a quick check by calculating the sum of all the probabilities. The sum should always be 1 if we have a legitimate discrete probability distribution. In this case, the sum is indeed 1, indicating that the data was inputted correctly.

Now, let's generate the probability histogram. We will use the qplot function and specify the variable X for the x-axis. We also need to let R know how to weight the values using the probabilities, which we provide as the height argument. Finally, we specify the type of plot, which is a histogram in this case.

Upon generating the histogram, we notice that the bars are not touching each other. In a probability histogram, adjacent values should have bars that touch, signifying their relationship. To fix this, we can specify the number of bins to be the same as the number of values we have. In this case, we have six values, so we set the number of bins to six.

Now the histogram is starting to take shape. However, to enhance its visual appeal, we can add some distinction between the bars. We achieve this by specifying a boundary color for the bars. In this instance, we use the color black.

Moving on to the second example, we continue with the process of creating a probability histogram. This time, we have a random variable called Y, which can take on the values 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20. We also have corresponding probabilities for these values, except for 17, which has a probability of 0 since it is not a possible outcome.

We follow the same steps as before, inputting the data and generating the histogram using the qplot function. However, this time we notice that there is an empty bucket at Y equals 17, indicating a probability of zero. To capture this information accurately, we want to use six bins, allowing for an empty bin at Y equals 17.

We can further enhance the aesthetics of the histogram by adding a boundary color and an inside color for the bars. For example, we can set the boundary color to dark blue and the fill color to regular blue. Additionally, we can customize the y-axis label to indicate that it represents probabilities, and change the x-axis label to simply "values" since this is an abstract dataset.

With these adjustments, our probability histogram appears more professional. Of course, we can continue fine-tuning the colors and labels to achieve the desired visual presentation. This is how we construct an elegant probability histogram in R.

Probability Histograms in R
Probability Histograms in R
  • 2020.09.11
Constructing attractive probability histograms is easy in R. In this vid, we use the qplot() command in the ggplot2 package.If this vid helps you, please hel...

Working with Discrete Random Variables

Working with Discrete Random Variables

Hello everyone! Today, we will be exploring the concept of discrete random variables and discrete probability distributions. A random variable is a variable whose value is determined by a random process. In the case of a discrete random variable, the possible outcomes can be listed, resulting in a discrete probability distribution.

Let's consider an example to illustrate this concept. Imagine we have a house with 16 rooms, and we randomly select a room to count the number of windows it has. The number of windows can be 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, each with corresponding probabilities of 3/16, 5/16, and so on. This represents a discrete probability distribution, which consists of all the possible outcomes and their associated probabilities.

There are two important properties of discrete random variables and discrete probability distributions. Firstly, the sum of all the probabilities must equal one. This ensures that something will always happen, as the probabilities cover all possible outcomes. In our example, if we add up all the probabilities, we get 16/16 or one.

Secondly, when dealing with discrete probability distributions, probabilities can be added. For instance, if we want to find the probability that X is 3 or 4, we can calculate the probability that X is 3 and the probability that X is 4, and then add them together. In this case, the probability is 3/16 + 1/16 = 4/16 = 1/4.

Let's proceed with a couple of example problems. Consider another discrete probability distribution involving a random variable Y with five possible outcomes: 5, 10, 25, 50, and 200. We are given probabilities for four of these outcomes, and we need to find the probability for the fifth outcome.

Since the sum of all probabilities must equal one, we can deduce the missing probability. By subtracting the sum of the known probabilities (0.04 + 0.12 + 0.18 + 0.45) from one, we find that the probability of Y being 200 is 0.21.

Now, let's perform a couple of calculations using the same discrete probability distribution. First, we want to find the probability that Y is less than or equal to 10. This involves summing the probabilities for Y equal to 5 and Y equal to 10, which results in 0.04 + 0.12 = 0.16.

Next, we are interested in the probability that Y is an odd number. In this case, we have two outcomes: Y equals 5 and Y equals 25. By adding their probabilities, we obtain 0.04 + 0.18 = 0.22.

Lastly, let's determine the probability that Y is greater than 5. Instead of directly summing the probabilities for Y equal to 10, 25, 50, and 200, we can use a shortcut. We consider the complement event: the probability that Y is not greater than 5. By subtracting the probability that Y is less than or equal to 5 (0.04) from 1, we obtain 1 - 0.04 = 0.96.

These examples demonstrate how to calculate probabilities and utilize complementary events in the context of discrete probability distributions.

Working with Discrete Random Variables
Working with Discrete Random Variables
  • 2020.04.30
Let's solve some problems using discrete probability distributions!

Random Variables: Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation

Random Variables: Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation

Hello everyone! Today, we will discuss random variables and their measures of central tendency and spread, namely mean, variance, and standard deviation. We can describe the center and spread of a random variable in a similar manner as we do with numerical data.

Let's consider an example of a discrete probability distribution. Imagine we conducted a survey where we randomly asked people about the number of dinners they ate out in the previous week. The distribution shows that approximately 49% of respondents did not eat out, around 22% ate out once, and so on. We can visualize this distribution using a probability histogram. Observing the histogram, it is intuitive to discuss the center and spread of this random variable.

To be more specific, let's interpret our findings based on the histogram. The expected value or mean of a random variable is determined by multiplying each value of the random variable by its corresponding probability and summing up the results. This weighted mean represents the center of the random variable. Referring to our previous discrete probability distribution, we calculate the expected value by multiplying each value (0, 1, 2, etc.) by its respective probability (0.49, 0.22, etc.) and summing the products. In this case, the expected value is 1.12.

The expected value is often denoted as μ, which is analogous to the population mean in data analysis. It measures the center of the random variable. Looking at the probability histogram, the expected value represents the balancing point where the histogram would balance on a fulcrum.

Now, let's discuss the spread of a discrete random variable, which is measured using variance and standard deviation. Variance is calculated by subtracting the mean from each value of the random variable, squaring the result, multiplying it by the corresponding probability, and summing all the weighted variances. This captures how far each value deviates from the mean. However, since we squared the differences, the resulting variance won't have the same units as the original data. To have a measure on the same scale, we take the square root of the variance, giving us the standard deviation.

In practice, computing variance and standard deviation by hand can be cumbersome. It is recommended to use technology, such as statistical software or calculators. For example, in R programming, we can input the values and their corresponding probabilities, then use built-in functions to compute the expected value, variance, and standard deviation.

By utilizing technology, we can efficiently perform calculations and avoid manual computations involving products and squares. Variance provides valuable insights for calculations and theoretical considerations, while standard deviation is more convenient for interpretation, as it shares the same units as the original random variable.

In summary, when dealing with random variables, understanding their center (mean) and spread (variance and standard deviation) is crucial. These measures allow us to quantify and interpret the characteristics of the random variable efficiently.

Random Variables: Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
Random Variables: Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation
  • 2020.05.02
If this vid helps you, please help me a tiny bit by mashing that 'like' button. For more #rstats joy, crush that 'subscribe' button!

Bernoulli Trials and The Binomial Distribution

Bernoulli Trials and The Binomial Distribution

Hello everyone, today we will discuss Bernoulli trials and the binomial distribution. A Bernoulli trial is a simple probability experiment with two outcomes: success and failure. These trials are defined by the probability of success, denoted as lowercase "p." Let's consider some examples to illustrate this concept.

For instance, flipping a coin and considering a head as a success would have a probability of success (p) equal to 1/2. Drawing a card from a standard 52-card deck and considering an ace as a success would have a probability of success (p) equal to 4/52 or 1/13. If 40% of American voters approve of their president, picking a voter at random would have a probability of success (p) equal to 0.4.

It's important to note that the terms "success" and "failure" are technical terms in this context and do not imply any political statements or personal opinions. We can represent Bernoulli trials as discrete random variables by encoding success as 1 and failure as 0. This allows us to create a simple probability distribution with x taking values of 0 or 1. The probability of getting a 1 is equal to p, while the probability of getting a 0 is equal to 1 - p since these outcomes are complementary.

We can compute the expected value of this random variable (x) by summing up x multiplied by the corresponding probability (p(x)) for all possible values of x. The expected value is equal to p, which represents the probability of success in a single trial. Similarly, we can compute the variance by summing up (x - expected value)^2 multiplied by p(x) for all possible values of x. The variance is equal to p(1 - p). Taking the square root of the variance gives us the standard deviation, which measures the spread of the random variable.

In many cases, Bernoulli trials are performed repeatedly, resulting in a total number of successes in n identical and independent trials. This leads to a discrete random variable that can take values from 0 to n. The binomial distribution, typically denoted as B(n, p), represents the probability distribution for this random variable when we have n identical and independent Bernoulli trials with a success probability of p.

For example, if a fair coin is flipped three times, and we define x as the number of heads, we would have B(3, 0.5) as the binomial distribution. We can directly compute the probabilities for each value of x by considering all possible outcomes and their corresponding probabilities. As n becomes larger, it becomes impractical to calculate these probabilities by hand, and we need a more general formula.

The probability of exactly k successes in n trials, where k ranges from 0 to n, is given by the formula n choose k times p^k times (1 - p)^(n - k). This formula accounts for the number of ways to achieve exactly k successes in n trials and the respective probabilities. It allows us to compute probabilities efficiently in the binomial distribution.

Let's consider an example where a basketball player has an average free throw success rate of 78%. If she shoots ten free throws, we can use the binomial distribution to calculate the probability of her making exactly eight shots and at least eight shots. By plugging in the values into the formula, we can compute the probabilities accordingly.

A random variable with a binomial distribution is the sum of multiple Bernoulli trials. The mean of this random variable is given by n times p, and the variance is given by n times p times (1 - p). The standard deviation is the square root of np times (1 - p).

In the case of the basketball player shooting ten times with a success probability of 0.78, the expected value (mean) would be 10 * 0.78 = 7.8, and the standard deviation would be the square root of (10 * 0.78 * (1 - 0.78)) ≈ 1.3.

To visualize the binomial distribution, we can construct a probability histogram. Taking the example of the basketball player shooting ten shots with a success probability of 0.78, we create a histogram with bars representing each value of x (number of successful shots) from 0 to 10. The height of each bar corresponds to the probability of achieving that specific number of shots in the ten attempts. For instance, the probability of making exactly 8 shots would be around 0.3.

The binomial distribution provides a useful framework for analyzing situations that involve repeated independent trials with a fixed probability of success. By understanding the properties of the binomial distribution, such as expected value, variance, and probability calculations, we can make informed decisions and predictions in various fields, including statistics, finance, and quality control.

Remember that the binomial distribution assumes certain conditions, such as independent trials and a fixed probability of success for each trial. These assumptions should be carefully considered when applying the binomial distribution to real-world scenarios.

In conclusion, Bernoulli trials and the binomial distribution offer a fundamental understanding of probability experiments with two outcomes and multiple independent trials. By utilizing the formulas and properties associated with these concepts, we can analyze and predict the probabilities of achieving different levels of success in various scenarios.

Bernoulli Trials and The Binomial Distribution
Bernoulli Trials and The Binomial Distribution
  • 2020.08.03
Your life will get so much better once you understand the binomial distribution. If this vid helps you, please help me a tiny bit by mashing that 'like' butt...

Binomial Calculations in R

Binomial Calculations in R

Hello everyone, today we will be using R to perform calculations involving the binomial distribution. In R, there are four basic functions that are important to know for working with the binomial distribution.

Firstly, the rbinom() function generates random values from the binomial distribution. It takes three arguments: the number of random values to generate, the sample size, and the probability of success on an individual trial. For example, rbinom(10, 2, 0.5) generates 10 random values from a binomial distribution with a sample size of 2 and a success probability of 0.5.

Secondly, the dbinom() function returns the probability of getting a specified number of successes in the binomial distribution. It takes three arguments: the number of successes, the sample size, and the probability of success. You can specify the number of successes as a vector to compute probabilities for different numbers of successes at once. For example, dbinom(0:4, 4, 0.5) computes the probabilities of getting 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 successes in a binomial distribution with a sample size of 4 and a success probability of 0.5.

Next, the pbinom() function is a cumulative probability function. It returns the probability of getting at most a specified number of successes in the binomial distribution. Similar to dbinom(), you can provide a vector of values to compute cumulative probabilities. For example, pbinom(0:4, 4, 0.5) returns the probabilities of getting at most 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 successes in a binomial distribution with a sample size of 4 and a success probability of 0.5.

Finally, the qbinom() function is an inverse probability calculator. It returns the smallest value of successes such that the cumulative probability is equal to or greater than a specified probability. In other words, it computes quantiles in the binomial distribution. For example, qbinom(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), 10, 0.5) gives the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles in a binomial distribution with a sample size of 10 and a success probability of 0.5.

Now let's apply these functions to some problems.

Problem 1: Let's simulate 50 runs of an experiment where we roll a fair die 10 times and count the number of sixes. We can use the rbinom() function with the sample size of 10 and the success probability of 1/6 (since there is a 1/6 chance of rolling a six).

results <- rbinom(50, 10, 1/6) table(results)

Problem 2: According to a recent survey, 72% of Americans prefer dogs to cats. If 8 Americans are chosen at random, what is the probability that exactly 6 of them prefer dogs and that fewer than 6 prefer dogs? We can use the dbinom() and pbinom() functions.

# Probability of exactly 6 preferring dogs
prob_six <- dbinom(6, 8, 0.72) # Probability of fewer than 6 preferring dogs
prob_less_than_six <- pbinom(5, 8, 0.72)

Problem 3: A weighted coin has a 42% chance of coming up heads. What is the expected number of heads in 5 tosses? Also, construct a probability histogram for the random variable representing the number of heads in 5 tosses.

To calculate the expected number of heads, we can use the formula for the expected value of a binomial distribution, which is the product of the sample size and the probability of success. In this case, the sample size is 5 and the probability of success (getting a head) is 0.42.

# Expected number of heads
expected_heads <- 5 * 0.42 expected_heads

The expected number of heads in 5 tosses of the weighted coin is 2.1.

To construct a probability histogram, we'll use the ggplot2 package in R. First, let's install and load the package.

install.packages("ggplot2") # Run this line if ggplot2 is not installed

Next, we'll generate the discrete probability distribution for the number of heads in 5 tosses using the dbinom() function. We'll compute the probabilities for each possible number of heads (0 to 5).

x <- 0:5 # Possible number of heads
p <- dbinom(x, 5, 0.42) # Probabilities

Now, we can create the probability histogram using ggplot2.

# Create probability histogram
df <- data.frame(x = x, p = p)
ggplot(df, aes(x = as.factor(x), y = p)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "lightblue") + xlab("Number of Heads") + ylab("Probability") + ggtitle("Probability Histogram for Number of Heads in 5 Tosses")

This code will generate a histogram with the number of heads on the x-axis and the corresponding probabilities on the y-axis.

Binomial Calculations in R
Binomial Calculations in R
  • 2020.09.12
In this vid, we learn how to do binomial calculation in R using the commands rbinom(), dbinom, pbinom(), and qbinom(). If this vid helps you, please help me ...

The Uniform Distribution

The Uniform Distribution

Hello everyone, today we will delve into continuous random variables and specifically explore those with uniform distributions.

Let's begin by recalling what a continuous random variable is. It is a variable that can take on values within an entire range, as opposed to a discrete set of values. For example, if we randomly select someone and measure their exact height, there are infinitely many possible values this random variable can take. Consequently, the probability of obtaining any particular value is infinitesimally small, making it impractical to discuss probabilities of specific values. To address this, we focus on probabilities associated with the random variable falling within specific ranges of values.

For instance, instead of asking for the probability of someone being precisely 58.6 inches tall (which would be almost zero), we might inquire about the probability of their height falling between 55 and 65 inches. This approach allows us to work with meaningful probabilities. Another example is considering the probability of a randomly selected song being less than three minutes or longer than three minutes, rather than precisely three minutes.

One of the simplest types of continuous random variables is the uniform distribution. In a uniformly distributed random variable, probabilities are evenly spread throughout its entire domain. You may have encountered this concept in Excel's rand() function, which generates a random number between 0 and 1 with the specified decimal places. In this case, all values have equal probabilities. We refer to this as a uniform distribution on the interval [0, 1].

To compute probabilities for a uniform distribution, we divide the width of the desired interval by the total width of the entire range. For example, the probability of the outcome being less than 0.2 is 0.2 divided by 1 (the total width), resulting in 0.2. Similarly, the probability of the outcome being greater than or equal to 4 is 0.6, as the interval of interest has a width of 0.6 units. It's worth noting that the strictness of the inequalities (e.g., "<" vs. "<=") is irrelevant when dealing with continuous random variables, given that probabilities of individual outcomes are infinitesimally small.

We can extend the concept of uniform probability distributions to other intervals as well. For example, considering the interval [1, 7] would yield a continuous probability distribution where the random variable can take any value between 1 and 7 with equal probability. Let's examine a few examples within this distribution:

  • The probability of the random variable being less than 5 is 4/6 or 2/3, calculated by dividing the width of the interval from 1 to 5 (4) by the total width of the interval (6).
  • The probability of the random variable being less than or equal to 1.5 is 0.5/6 or 1/12. Here, we divide the width of the interval from 1 to 1.5 (0.5) by the total width of the interval (6).
  • The probability of the random variable being greater than 6.12 is 11/70 or 0.157, obtained by dividing the width of the interval from 6.12 to 7 by the total width of the interval (70/5).

Drawing probability histograms for continuous random variables is not possible in the same way as for discrete random variables since individual probabilities are infinitesimal. Instead, we employ density plots, representing probability as area rather than height. In a density plot for a uniform distribution, all probabilities are equal and result in a horizontal line. The total area under the density plot should always be 1 to ensure the probabilities sum up correctly.

To illustrate, let's consider a uniform distribution on the interval [-5, 5]. In this case, the width of the domain is 10 (5 - (-5)). To create the density curve, we need the height of the rectangle to be 1 divided by the width, which gives us 1/10. This ensures that the total area under the density curve is 1.

Now, let's calculate the probability that the random variable is greater than 3.5 in this distribution. We can redraw the density curve and shade the region corresponding to X > 3.5. The probability is then equal to the area of that shaded region.

By applying the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle (base times height), we multiply the width (5 - 3.5 = 1.5) by the height (1/10). This results in an area of 1.5/10 or 15%.

To summarize, in the uniform distribution U(-5, 5), the probability that X is greater than 3.5 is 15%.

The Uniform Distribution
The Uniform Distribution
  • 2020.05.13
Your first continuous random variable! The uniform distribution is a fantastic way to learn the basics.

Continuous Random Variables

Continuous Random Variables

Hello everyone! Today, we're going to delve into the topic of continuous random variables. A continuous random variable is simply a variable that can take on values across an entire range, allowing for precise measurements. Let's explore a few examples to illustrate this concept.

Imagine selecting a random dog at the local animal shelter and measuring the length of its tail. You could obtain measurements with any degree of accuracy you desire. Similarly, consider taking an exact temperature reading at the South Pole at a random moment or measuring the length of a randomly selected customer service call. These examples demonstrate the ability to measure variables to any level of precision.

In contrast, a discrete random variable can only assume values from a non-continuous set. For instance, rolling a die 20 times and counting the number of sixes will yield whole numbers like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. However, fractions or decimals such as one-half, two-thirds, or three and a quarter are not possible outcomes.

Describing probabilities for continuous random variables is more complex than for discrete ones. With infinitely many possible outcomes, the likelihood of obtaining a particular individual result is essentially zero. For example, if we state that a customer service call lasts 150 seconds, the actual length could be 150.1, 150.05, or any countless other values. Hence, the probability of the call lasting exactly 150 seconds is essentially zero.

Nonetheless, certain call lengths may seem more probable than others. We expect a call lasting 150 seconds to be much more likely than one lasting three hours. To address probabilities for continuous random variables, we focus on ranges of values rather than specific outcomes. For instance, we consider the probability that a call falls between 140 and 160 seconds, which frequently yields non-zero probabilities.

One way to visualize a continuous random variable is through a density curve. Probabilities over ranges are then represented as areas under the density curve. Let's examine a graph depicting a random variable, X, that ranges from 0 to 4 with decreasing probability. The shaded region in the graph represents the probability of X falling between 1 and 2 on a given trial. From the picture, we can observe that the probability of X falling between 1 and 2 is less than the probability of it falling between 0 and 1. This discrepancy arises because there is more area under the curve from 0 to 1 compared to 1 to 2. Similarly, the probability is higher for X falling between 1 and 2 than between 2 and 3. We can estimate the probability of X falling between 1 and 2 by approximating the area of the shaded region, which yields a result of approximately 3 tenths or 30%.

A density curve is commonly referred to as a probability density function (PDF). A legitimate PDF possesses two essential properties. Firstly, it must always be positive to align with the positive nature of probabilities. Secondly, the total area under the graph of a legitimate PDF should always be one, signifying that we obtain some value of X when conducting a probability experiment.

While the concept of a PDF and density curve may be intuitive, the actual calculations involving them can be challenging. In practice, we often work with cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of random variables to bypass the need for extensive calculations. A CDF provides the probability that a random variable assumes a value no greater than a specified X on a given trial. Essentially, it accumulates the probabilities. For instance, if X increases, the corresponding CDF value also increases as more probability is accumulated.

Using the CDF, we can compute the probability of a random variable falling within a specific range. This probability is determined by subtracting the CDF values of the lower and upper bounds of the range. Let's examine the graph of the PDF and CDF of the same random variable, denoted as X. The shaded region in the graph represents the accumulated probability for X being less than or equal to two, denoted as F(2), the CDF at two. Notice that as X increases, the CDF, F(X), always increases as well because more probability is accumulated.

To compute the probability of X falling between two values, say a and b, we subtract the CDF value at b from the CDF value at a. In the graph, this corresponds to subtracting the area to the left of X equals 2 from the area to the left of X equals 1. Mathematically, this is expressed as F(b) - F(a). The visual representation makes it evident.

The simplest type of continuous random variable is one with a uniform distribution. In a uniform distribution, the probabilities are equal for intervals of equal width. Essentially, it means that every value of X within a particular range is equally likely. Another way to view this is that the PDF of a uniformly distributed random variable is a constant function.

Let's consider an example. Suppose we have a continuous random variable where the values can fall between 1 and 7 with a uniform distribution. The PDF is a constant function between 1 and 7, with a total area of 1. Since the width of the interval is 6, the height of the graph is 1/6. With this information, we can calculate probabilities for any range of X. For instance, the probability that X falls between 2 and 7 is given by the width of the interval, which is 7 minus 2, divided by the height of the graph, which is 1/6. Thus, the probability is (1/6) * (7 - 2) = 5/6.

If you'd like a more comprehensive explanation of uniform distributions, I have a dedicated video on the topic which you can find in the link provided above.

Continuous Random Variables
Continuous Random Variables
  • 2020.09.26
Continuous random variables are cool. No, really! In this vid, we cover pdfs (probability density functions) and cdfs (cumulative distribution functions) and...