Programming tutorials - page 7


How to use VSC for mql5! Step by step tutorial

How to use VSC for mql5! Step by step tutorial

Hello everyone, this is Toby, and in this video, I want to discuss how you can effectively use Visual Studio Code to edit your MQ5 (MQL5) files. I will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using Visual Studio Code, and of course, I will guide you through the setup process. So let's get started!

Before we delve into the setup, I would like to share some advantages and disadvantages I have discovered when transitioning from the default Meta Editor to Visual Studio Code. I have been using Visual Studio Code for a few weeks now, and overall, I find it to be a superior editor. However, it's important to note that choosing an editor is a personal decision, and you should consider your own preferences.

Let's begin with a quick comparison. Here on the screen, you can see the Visual Studio Code environment that I'm currently using to create my EAs and indicators for MetaTrader 5. In contrast, this is the default Meta Editor. As I mentioned earlier, I personally prefer Visual Studio Code due to its various advantages. However, it's essential to acknowledge that there are also some disadvantages associated with Visual Studio Code.

One notable disadvantage is the absence of a debugger for MQ5 files in Visual Studio Code. The default Meta Editor offers debugging options, allowing you to identify and rectify errors in your code efficiently. Although I personally don't rely on the debugger, instead using print statements to detect mistakes, if you heavily depend on this feature, you might prefer sticking with the default editor.

Another disadvantage I have encountered with Visual Studio Code, specifically with the extension I use, is that the autocomplete function sometimes fails to suggest all variables. While typing, if I start with "import," I should see all the input variables and other functions starting with "input." This autocomplete feature is quite handy while coding. However, I have experienced this issue only a few times, and the extension I use is regularly updated. Consequently, I believe this problem will likely be resolved in the future. Currently, it doesn't pose a significant challenge for me. However, if you're a beginner with MQL5, I recommend starting with the default editor for a few weeks before transitioning to Visual Studio Code.

Now, let's focus on the advantages I discovered when switching from the default editor to Visual Studio Code with the extension I use. The most obvious advantage is the enhanced appearance. Here, take a look at the default editor's appearance. Yes, it offers a dark mode, and you can customize the colors to some extent. However, you cannot save the color theme, and the navigator in the toolbox still retains a white background. Frankly, this lack of customization options seems outdated, especially considering it's now 2023. In contrast, Visual Studio Code provides a wide range of color themes, and you can even create your own. Currently, I'm using the dark Visual Studio Code color theme, but you can choose from numerous options. When you spend a significant amount of time in this environment, having the ability to customize it to your liking becomes crucial.

Additionally, Visual Studio Code offers several other advantages. For instance, it provides a minimap feature on the right, which proves quite useful. You can also fold parts of your code, facilitating better organization. Moreover, if you work with different programming languages such as Python or C++, having everything consolidated in one place simplifies the coding process. The "go to definition" feature is another handy functionality that allows you to navigate easily within your code. While this feature is also available in the Meta Editor, it has never worked effectively for me. Right-clicking to go to the definition, declaration, or even variables has consistently been unsuccessful. It's possible that this is specific to my instance of the Meta Editor, so I encourage you

Thank you for watching this video, where I discussed how you can use Visual Studio Code to edit your mqfi files. I highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of using Visual Studio Code compared to the default Meta Editor, and I also provided a step-by-step guide on setting it up for yourself.

Before diving into the setup process, I wanted to share some advantages and disadvantages that I've discovered when switching from the default Meta Editor to Visual Studio Code. Over the past few weeks, I've been using Visual Studio Code as my primary editor, and overall, I find it to be a superior choice. However, there are a few drawbacks to consider.

One disadvantage is that Visual Studio Code does not have a built-in debugger for mq5 files like the default Meta Editor does. The default Meta Editor provides options to debug your code and identify mistakes, whereas in Visual Studio Code, I personally rely on simple print statements for debugging. If the debugger feature is crucial for your coding process, I would recommend sticking with the default Meta Editor.

Another drawback I've encountered with Visual Studio Code, specifically with the extension I use, is that the autocomplete function sometimes fails to recommend all the variables. While typing, the autocomplete feature in Visual Studio Code should display suggestions for input variables and functions, but there have been instances where it didn't work as expected. However, I want to note that this issue has been rare for me, and the extension I use is frequently updated, so it's likely to be resolved in the future. Currently, it's not a significant concern for me. If you're a beginner with mq5, I would suggest starting with the default editor for a few weeks before transitioning to Visual Studio Code.

Now, let's focus on the advantages I've found when switching to Visual Studio Code and using the extension for mq5 files. One obvious advantage is the overall appearance and customization options. Unlike the default Meta Editor, Visual Studio Code allows you to set different color themes and even create your own. This level of customization is essential when you spend a lot of time in the coding environment.

Furthermore, Visual Studio Code offers additional features that I find useful, such as the minimap, code folding, support for multiple programming languages, and the ability to navigate to the definition of functions and variables. Although the default Meta Editor has similar features, they have not worked consistently for me. For example, the "Go to Definition" feature rarely functions as expected in my instance of the Meta Editor. I'd appreciate it if you could test this feature in your Meta Editor and let me know in the comments if it works for you.

Working with multiple files is also more convenient in Visual Studio Code. You can easily shift files around and create split screens, allowing you to work more efficiently. While it's possible to achieve this in the default Meta Editor, it requires more steps and can become cumbersome.

Before we proceed with the setup, I want to discuss two more advantages. Firstly, in Visual Studio Code, almost everything is customizable through the settings. You have greater control over the appearance and behavior of the editor. Secondly, when working on a project and wanting to compile it, Visual Studio Code allows you to compile from any file within the project. In the extension I use, this process is straightforward. On the other hand, in the Meta Editor, you need to switch back to the main file to compile, which can be inconvenient.

Now, let's move on to the setup process. Please note that the following steps are based on my experience using Windows. If there are any changes in the future, I will provide an update in the comments. If I miss any crucial steps, we can work together to uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio Code from scratch.

The first step is to download Visual Studio Code from the official website ( Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Visual Studio Code on your system.

Next, open Visual Studio Code. You should see a welcome screen with various options. If you don't see this screen, you can access it by clicking on the "Help" menu and selecting "Welcome" from the dropdown.

To enhance the functionality of Visual Studio Code for mq5 files, we need to install an extension called "MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQ5)". To do this, click on the "Extensions" icon in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the editor (or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X).

In the search bar at the top of the extensions panel, type "MetaQuotes Language 5" and press Enter. Look for the extension named "MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQ5)" and click on the "Install" button next to it. Once the installation is complete, you should see a "Reload" button. Click on it to activate the extension.

Now that the extension is installed and active, let's configure Visual Studio Code to recognize mq5 files and provide syntax highlighting. In the top menu, click on "File" and then select "Preferences" followed by "Settings". This will open the settings panel.

In the settings panel, you'll see two columns: Default Settings on the left and User Settings on the right. We'll be making changes to the User Settings. You can override the default settings by adding them to the User Settings column.

To enable syntax highlighting for mq5 files, add the following line to your User Settings:

"files.associations": {
    "*.mq5": "mq5"

You can add this line anywhere in the User Settings, but make sure it's within the outermost curly braces {}. If you already have other settings in your User Settings, separate them with commas.

Once you've added the line, save the User Settings file. You can do this by clicking on the "Save" icon in the top-right corner of the editor or by using the shortcut Ctrl+S.

Now, when you open an mq5 file in Visual Studio Code, it should automatically recognize the file type and apply syntax highlighting accordingly.

That's it! You have successfully set up Visual Studio Code for editing mq5 files. You can now enjoy the enhanced features and customization options that Visual Studio Code provides.

I hope this guide has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or run into any issues during the setup process, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you. Happy coding!

How to use VSC for mql5! Step by step tutorial
How to use VSC for mql5! Step by step tutorial
  • 2023.03.23
Today I will show you how to use VSC (Visual studio code) for your mql5 coding projects. This is a step by step tutorial so you can use Visual Studio Code to...

Install R and RStudio On Windows

Install R and RStudio On Windows

Hello and welcome to this video. Here, I will guide you through the process of downloading the programming language called R. R is an excellent language for working with statistics, predictive analytics, and machine learning. So, let's dive right in.

To begin, we need to visit a specific URL or web address, which I have provided in the description below. Click on the "Download R" button on that page. Currently, the version available is 3.3.4 for Windows, but it might be different in the future. Once you click the download button, the file will start downloading. The download process is usually quite fast.

Once the download is complete, run the downloaded file to initiate the installation process. This will ensure that R is properly installed on your Windows system. A dialog box will appear showing the language selection; simply click "OK" to proceed. Leave all the installation settings as default and click "Next."

The installation will save R in the Program Files directory by default, which is perfectly fine. Keep clicking "Next" to proceed with the installation using the default custom settings. You will be asked if you want to create a shortcut for the Start menu folder; you can leave it as it is or give it a name like "R." Additionally, you can choose to create desktop icons and registry entries for convenience. Once you have made your choices, click "Next."

The installer will now proceed to load all the necessary files onto your computer. It's important to note that this is only the first part of the installation process, which involves downloading the R programming language itself. We still need an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) to effectively use this language. One popular IDE is called RStudio. I will guide you on how to download and install it next.

Once the installation process for R is complete, you can proceed to download RStudio. Simply follow the provided link, which will also be available in the video description. On the RStudio website, choose the "RStudio Desktop Open-Source License" option, as we are interested in the free version. However, feel free to select a different version if you prefer. Click the "Download" button, and it will redirect you to the supported platforms page.

Since you are using Windows 10, select the Windows 10 installer file. Once again, the file will start downloading, and it should be a quick process. After the download finishes, run the downloaded file to initiate the RStudio setup wizard. Click "Next" to proceed with the installation.

Choose the installation location, which is typically the Program Files directory. The default options provided by the wizard should be sufficient for most users. Select the Start menu folder name, such as "RStudio," and click "Install." Give it some time to complete the installation process. RStudio is an excellent IDE widely used for statistical analysis and working with big data, which is highly sought after by companies.

Once the installation is finished, click "Finish" to exit the setup wizard. You can minimize the setup wizard window and proceed to open RStudio. Search for "RStudio" in the Start menu, and open the application. Congratulations! You are now all set up with R and RStudio, ready to start programming.

Thank you for watching this video. Stay tuned for the next lesson in our programming series. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section. See you in the next video!

Install R and RStudio On Windows
Install R and RStudio On Windows
  • 2017.03.15
Download and Install R and RStudio for WindowsRStudio is an IDE for the R programming language.1) Download R -Programming Language: https://cran.r-project.or...

R Programming Basic Operators

R Programming Basic Operators

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another tutorial on the R programming language. In this tutorial, we will cover some of the fundamental building blocks of R, including its operators. Specifically, we will focus on the arithmetic operators and the logical operators. So, let's dive right in.

At its core, the R programming language can be thought of as a powerful calculator. Let's start by exploring some arithmetic operations to familiarize ourselves with these operators. For example, if we perform the operation 7 plus 5, the result is 12. Similarly, if we subtract 4 from 8, we obtain 4. Multiplying 5 by 2 gives us 10, and dividing 6 by 3 yields 2. These are basic arithmetic operations performed using the appropriate arithmetic operators.

Now, let's discuss some operations that may be less familiar in other programming languages. One such operation is exponentiation. For instance, if we calculate 2 raised to the power of 3, the result is 8. Another operation is the modulus operator, denoted by the keyword "mod." If we compute 8 mod 2, the remainder is 0. These operations allow us to perform calculations involving exponents and determine the remainder after division.

Moving on to logical operators, they are used to evaluate logical conditions and return Boolean values (true or false). Let's start with the less than operator. For example, if we check if 7 is less than 8, the result is true. Conversely, if we compare 9 with 9, the result is false since 9 is equal to 9. We can also check if a number is less than or equal to another number. For instance, if we evaluate if 9 is less than or equal to 9, the result is true.

Similarly, we have the greater than operator. If we determine if 10 is greater than 8, the result is true. Let's also check if 11 is greater than or equal to 3, which is true. Next, we explore equality. To check if a number is exactly equal to another number, we use the equality operator. For example, if we compare 5 with 5, the result is true. Conversely, if we check if 5 is not equal to 5, the result is false.

Additionally, we have the logical negation operator, denoted by the keyword "not." If we apply the negation operator to true, the result is false. Furthermore, we can use the logical OR operator to evaluate if at least one condition is true. For instance, if we check if 11 is greater than 8 or 7 is greater than 8, the result is true since one of the conditions is true.

Let's bring all these concepts together with an example that combines multiple operators. Suppose we evaluate the expression 11 is greater than 8 and 7 is greater than 8. Since both conditions are not true, the result is false.

That concludes our discussion on arithmetic and logical operators in R. I hope you found this tutorial informative and enjoyable. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video lesson.

R Programming Basic Operators
R Programming Basic Operators
  • 2017.03.18
R-Programming BasicsArithmetic and Logical OperatorsPlease Subscribe !►Website:►Books:PROGRAMMINGR for Data Science-htt...

Variable Assignment And Data Types In R Programming

Variable Assignment And Data Types In R Programming

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another video tutorial on the R programming language. In this video, we will focus on the topic of assigning values to variables. To begin, we need to understand the different data types that can be assigned to variables and how to use the assignment operator for this purpose. Let's get started.

We can assign values to variables using the assignment operator, which is denoted by the arrow notation. For example, let's consider a variable named X. We can assign it a numeric value, such as 5, by using the arrow operator. You can see in the top left corner that the value of X is now 5. We can confirm this by printing the value of X, simply by typing "X" and pressing enter. As expected, the output is 5.

The arrow notation is not the only way to assign values to variables. We can also use the equal sign, as in X <- 8.5. By doing so, we change the value of X to 8.5. If we print X now, we see that it is indeed 8.5. The data type assigned to X is a numeric data type, as indicated by the result of the "class(X)" command.

Now, let's assign a different data type to the variable X. We can set it to the logical value "TRUE." By checking the data type of X using the "class(X)" command, we can see that it is now of the logical data type. Similarly, we can assign an integer value to X, such as 2L. By printing X, we can observe that the value is 2, indicating that X is an integer data type.

Furthermore, R supports complex data types. We can assign a complex value to X, such as 3 + 2i. When we print X, we see the complex value of 3+2i. The data type of X can be confirmed as complex using the "class(X)" command.

Moving on, we have the character data type. In some programming languages, characters and strings are distinct, but in R, characters are considered as objects. We can assign a character to X, such as "G," and verify its data type using the "class(X)" command. The data type is correctly identified as a character. Alternatively, we can assign a character using double quotes, like X <- "H." Again, the data type remains a character.

To emphasize that a string of characters is still of the character data type, we can assign X to "hello." Despite having multiple characters, the data type of X remains a character.

Lastly, there is the raw data type. To assign a raw value to X, we use the arrow notation and the "charToRaw" function. For instance, X <- charToRaw("hello") assigns the raw value of "hello" to X. Printing X reveals a series of numbers representing the raw values of each character. In this case, "hello" is represented as 48 65 6c 6c 6f in raw format.

One additional note about the arrow notation is that it can be reversed to swap values between variables. For example, suppose we set X <- 8 and create another variable, Y, which we assign to X. If we print Y, we see that it is equal to 8, just like X. Now, if we perform the operation X <- X + Y, X will become 16. However, if we reverse the arrow notation to Y <- X, the value of Y becomes 16 as well.

I hope you found this video informative and helpful. Thank you for watching, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

Variable Assignment And Data Types In R Programming
Variable Assignment And Data Types In R Programming
  • 2017.03.19
There are six data types of the atomic vectors.1.Logical2. Numeric3. Integer4. Complex5. Character6. RawPlease Subscribe !►Website: http://everythingcomputer...

R Programming Vectors

R Programming Vectors

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another lesson on the R programming language. Today, we're going to discuss vectors, which are the fundamental data objects in R. There are six types of vectors: logical, integer, double, complex, character, and raw. These data types were introduced in our previous lessons. It's important to note that all the vectors we discussed so far consisted of single-element vectors. Now, let's explore how to create vectors with multiple elements.

To create a vector, you might think it's as simple as assigning a value to a variable, such as X <- 2. This creates a single-element vector. However, it is more common and follows the standard convention to use the "c" function, which stands for "combine." For instance, you can write X <- c(1, 2, 3) to create a vector with three elements.

When creating vectors, all the elements should be of the same data type. For example, if you create a vector with the elements 1, TRUE, and 3.5, the resulting vector will be of the numeric data type. You can confirm this by printing the class of the vector using the "class(X)" command.

Let's explore some examples to understand the concept better. Consider the vector X <- c(1, 2, 3L). Here, the "L" indicates an integer data type for the value 3, while the other elements remain as numbers. Printing the vector and checking its data type will show that it is still of the numeric data type.

To make it more evident, we can create a vector with different data types. For instance, X <- c(TRUE, 2L, 3.5, "hello"). This vector consists of a logical, an integer, a numeric, and a character element. Printing the vector will display the expected elements: TRUE, 2, 3.5, and "hello." The data type of the vector can be determined using the "class(X)" command, which reveals that it is a character vector.

The priority of the data types within a vector depends on the types of the elements present. For instance, if you create a vector with TRUE, 2L, and 3.5, the resulting vector will have a numeric data type. Conversely, if you exclude the numeric element, the resulting vector will have an integer data type.

Let's consider an example: X <- c(TRUE, 2L). Now, the vector contains a logical element (TRUE) and an integer element (2L). The data type of the vector will be integer. Printing the vector will display the values 1 and 2 because TRUE evaluates to 1 in R.

Similarly, if we change TRUE to FALSE, the vector will have a logical data type. In this case, printing the vector will show 0 and 2, as FALSE evaluates to 0.

To create a vector with a specific data type, you can explicitly set all the elements accordingly. For example, X <- c(FALSE, 2L) will result in a logical data type. Printing the vector will display the elements as FALSE and 2, confirming the data type.

In addition to mixing different data types, you can create vectors with homogeneous elements. For instance, you can create a vector of logical elements using X <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) or a vector of character elements using X <- c("hello", "world", "!"). Printing these vectors will show the corresponding elements.

Another common scenario is creating a sequence of numbers for a vector. You can achieve this using the colon notation. For example, X <- 1:10 will create a vector containing the numbers from 1 to 10. Printing X will display the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10.

Furthermore, you can create a sequence with decimal numbers by specifying the starting and ending values, along with the increment. For instance, X <- 1.1:12.1 will create a vector with a sequence increasing by 1. The resulting vector will display the numbers 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, and so on.

It's important to note that when specifying the ending value, it must follow the sequence pattern. If we modify the example to X <- 1.1:12.8, we will observe that 12.8 is omitted from the sequence. This happens because the ending value does not align with the specified increment.

In this lesson, we covered the creation of vectors in R. We learned that the "c" function is commonly used to combine elements into a vector. We also explored how the data type of a vector depends on the types of its elements and the priority of those types. Additionally, we saw examples of creating vectors with different data types and sequences of numbers.

Thank you all for watching, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video lesson.

R Programming Vectors
R Programming Vectors
  • 2017.03.21
Learn how to create and write vectors in the R programming language. Note: the function c stands for combine.Please Subscribe !►Website: http://everythingcom...

R Programming Vector Arithmetic

R Programming Vector Arithmetic

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another exciting video on our programming language. Today, we'll be diving into the fascinating world of vector arithmetic. I'm currently in the ART Studio, which serves as the IDE for our programming language, and we'll explore various operations on vectors. So let's not waste any time and get started!

In my previous video, I demonstrated how to create a vector using the c function, such as a <- c(1, 2, 3). This allowed us to define a vector easily. By simply typing the variable name, a, and hitting enter, we could observe the contents of the vector. Fantastic!

Now, let's explore the realm of vector arithmetic. In our example, let's consider we have two vectors: a, which contains the elements 1, 2, and 3, and b, with the elements 4, 10, and 13. When we perform arithmetic operations on vectors, the calculations are carried out member-wise or element-wise. Let's see what this means in practice.

If we multiply vector a by 5, we would obtain a new vector where each member is multiplied by 5. In other words, we obtain a result equivalent to "5 times a." Consequently, we get 5, 10, and 15 as the respective elements of the new vector.

Similarly, we can perform addition and subtraction on vectors. Adding vectors a and b together results in a new vector where each member is the sum of the corresponding members from a and b. Consequently, we have 1 + 4 = 5, 2 + 10 = 12, and 3 + 13 = 16 as the respective elements of the new vector.

Subtraction between vectors is carried out in a similar fashion. By subtracting b from a, we obtain a vector where each member is the difference between the corresponding members from a and b. In this case, we have 1 - 4 = -3, 2 - 10 = -8, and 3 - 13 = -10.

We can also perform multiplication and division between vectors. Multiplying a and b results in a vector where each member is the product of the corresponding members from a and b. For instance, 1 * 4 = 4, 2 * 10 = 20, and 3 * 13 = 39.

When dividing vectors, the operation is carried out element-wise as well. Dividing a by b yields a vector where each member is the division of the corresponding members from a and b. For example, 1 / 4 ≈ 0.25, 2 / 10 = 0.2, and 3 / 13 ≈ 0.2307692. On the other hand, dividing b by a would give us 4 / 1 = 4, 10 / 2 = 5, and 13 / 3 ≈ 4.333333.

Now, what if we want to add two vectors with different lengths? Let's introduce vector c, which contains the elements 9, 8, 7, 0, 1. If we attempt to add c and a together, the program will recycle the vector with the shorter length to match the longer vector. In our case, the elements from a will be recycled. This means that the operation will first add 1 + 9, 2 + 8, and 3 + 7. Then, it will recycle back to the beginning of vector a and add 1 + 0 and 2 + 1. So the resulting vector will be 10, 10, 10, 1, and 3.

It's worth noting that when performing this operation, a warning message may appear indicating that the longer object length is not a multiple of the shorter object length. This warning is expected since recycling the elements from the shorter vector can lead to inconsistencies in certain scenarios.

I hope you found this exploration of vector arithmetic insightful and enjoyable. Understanding how arithmetic operations work on vectors is crucial for manipulating and analyzing data effectively. Stay tuned for the next lesson, where we'll delve deeper into the exciting features of our programming language. Thank you all for watching, and see you next time!
R Programming Vector Arithmetic
R Programming Vector Arithmetic
  • 2017.03.21
Vector arithmeticPlease Subscribe !►Website:►Books:PROGRAMMINGR for Data Science-

R Programming Vector Index

R Programming Vector Index

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another informative tutorial on the our programming language.

In this video, we will be diving into the topic of vector indexes. Vector indexes allow us to retrieve specific values within a vector by using square brackets and specifying the index position. Let's begin by creating a vector called R. We'll populate it with the elements 11, 22, 33, and 44. Upon pressing Enter, we can verify that the vector R indeed contains these elements.

Now, let's explore how we can access individual elements within the vector using the index notation. By enclosing the vector name R in square brackets and providing the desired index, we can retrieve a specific element. For example, if we want to retrieve the third element, which is 33, we would use the index 3 within the brackets. It's important to note that the index values for vectors start from 1 and go up to the length of the vector. When we execute this command, we see that the value 33 is returned.

Next, let's discuss negative indexes. If we use a negative index, it will remove the element at the position corresponding to the absolute value of the negative index. To illustrate this, let's print the vector R again. We have 11, 22, 33, and 44. Now, if we use the negative index -3, which represents the third position, it will remove the element at that position. When we execute the command, we observe that the vector R now contains 11, 22, and 44, with the element at position 3 (33) removed.

Additionally, it's essential to understand what happens when we attempt to access an index that is out of range. Let's consider the scenario where we want to access the element at position 10. Since the vector R only has four elements, it does not have an element at position 10. As a result, executing the command will return an error or an empty value, indicating that the index is out of range.

I hope you found this short yet informative video on vector indexes helpful. Understanding how to access specific elements within a vector is vital for data manipulation and analysis. Join me in the next video as we explore more exciting features of the our programming language. Thank you for watching, and see you soon!

R Programming Vector Index
R Programming Vector Index
  • 2017.03.22
Learn about Vector indexes in R ProgrammingPlease Subscribe !►Website:►Books:PROGRAMMINGC-Programming - https://www.ama...

R Programming Numeric Index Vector

R Programming Numeric Index Vector

Hello everyone, both guys and girls, and welcome back to another tutorial from our series. In today's video, we will be discussing numeric index vectors. Numeric index vectors allow us to extract specific elements from an existing vector by specifying the positions of the desired elements. Let's dive right in!

To demonstrate this concept, let's create a vector called s. We'll populate it with the following elements: "hi," "half," "hello," "hola," and "holla." Now, let's say we want to retrieve a vector slice that contains the first and second members of the original vector. We can achieve this by using a numeric index vector, which consists of the positions of the elements we want to retrieve. In this case, we use the index vector [1, 2]. When we execute this command, we obtain the slice "hi" and "hello" as expected.

Now, let's explore the concept of duplicate indexes. In the previous example, we retrieved "hi" and "hello" by using the indexes 1 and 2. We can duplicate these indexes to retrieve the same elements multiple times. For instance, if we use the index vector [2, 2, 2], we will retrieve "hello" three times. When we execute this command, we observe that "hello" is repeated three times.

Furthermore, let's discuss the concept of out-of-order indexes. Numeric indexes don't have to be in sequential order; they can be specified in any order. To demonstrate this, let's consider the index vector [2, 1]. This time, we retrieve "hello," "hi," and "hola" as our desired elements. The order of the indexes does not affect the order of the retrieved elements. When we execute this command, we obtain the vector slice "hello," "hi," and "hola."

Lastly, let's touch upon range indexes. We can use the colon operator to define a range within the index vector. For example, if we want to retrieve a range of elements from the second element to the fourth element, we can use the index vector [2:4]. This notation instructs the program to retrieve elements 2, 3, and 4 from the original vector. When we execute this command, we obtain the slice "hello," "hola," and "holla."

I hope you found this video on numeric index vectors informative and useful. It was a concise demonstration to introduce this concept to you. Stay tuned for our next video, where we will explore more exciting features and functionalities. Thank you for watching, and see you all in the next tutorial!

R Programming Numeric Index Vector
R Programming Numeric Index Vector
  • 2017.03.27
A new vector can be sliced from a given vector with a numeric index vector, which consists of member positions of the original vector to be retrieved.Please ...

R Program Named Vector Members

R Program Named Vector Members

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another exciting tutorial on our programming language. In this lesson, we will be discussing named vector members and how we can assign names to elements within a vector. So, let's jump right into it!

To begin, let's create a vector and name it "vector." Within this vector, we will have two elements, "Tom" and "Nick." When we print out the vector, we can see that it contains the names "Tom" and "Nick" as expected.

Now, let's explore how we can assign names to the members of the vector. We can accomplish this by creating a named vector. Let's call it "names_vector." In this vector, we will assign the names "first" and "second" to the corresponding members. When we print out "names_vector," we observe that the vector now has the names "first" and "second" associated with its elements.

Next, let's retrieve the values of the named vector members. To do this, we simply access the named member by using the name within square brackets. For example, if we want to retrieve the value of the "first" member, we can type "names_vector['first']." When we execute this command, we obtain the value "Tom" as expected. Similarly, we can retrieve the value of the "second" member by using "names_vector['second']," which gives us the value "Nick."

Furthermore, we can reverse the order of the vector using a character string index vector. To demonstrate this, let's create another vector called "reversed_vector." In this vector, we will specify the index vector as "c('second', 'first')." When we print out "reversed_vector," we observe that the order of the vector elements has been reversed, from "Tom" and "Nick" to "Nick" and "Tom."

And that's it for this short tutorial on named vector members. I hope you found it informative and enjoyable. Stay tuned for our next video, where we will delve into more fascinating features and functionalities. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you all in the next tutorial!

R Program Named Vector Members
R Program Named Vector Members
  • 2017.04.02
R Programing named vector members.Please Subscribe !►Website:►Books:PROGRAMMINGC-Programming -

Create a Matrix in R

Create a Matrix in R

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another exciting tutorial on our programming language. In this video, we will explore the creation and manipulation of matrices in R. So, let's dive right in!

First, let's create a vector called "V" with the elements 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. When we print out the vector, we can see its contents displayed on the screen.

Now, we can move on to creating a matrix. We'll assign the variable name "a" to our matrix. To create the matrix, we'll use the "matrix" function. This function takes in the vector "V" as its first argument and specifies the number of rows and columns we desire. For example, we'll create a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns. When we print out matrix "a," we can observe that it indeed has 2 rows and 3 columns as expected.

Suppose we want to change the dimensions of matrix "a" to 3 rows and 2 columns instead. We can easily achieve this by reassigning "a" using the matrix function with the appropriate arguments. Afterward, we print out "a" again, and now we can see that it has been transformed into a 3x2 matrix.

Next, let's explore what happens when the dimensions of the matrix don't match the number of elements in the vector. If we mistakenly specify 4 columns instead of 2, we might expect a warning. However, in R, it duplicates the existing columns to fill the extra space. We print out "a" to observe this behavior, and we can see that the first two columns are repeated in columns 3 and 4.

To demonstrate the transpose of a matrix, we'll use the "t" function. We create a variable called "a_transpose" and assign it the result of applying the "t" function to matrix "a." Printing out "a_transpose" reveals the transpose of "a," where the rows become columns and vice versa.

Additionally, we can combine matrices using the "cbind" function. If the matrices have the same number of rows, we can concatenate them column-wise. To illustrate this, we create another matrix called "B" with 2 rows and 1 column. Then, using "cbind," we combine "a" and "B" to form a new matrix. Printing out the result shows the combination of "a" and "B," with "B" appended as an additional column.

Similarly, if the matrices have the same number of columns, we can use the "rbind" function to concatenate them row-wise. We create a matrix called "C" with 1 column and 2 rows. Using "rbind," we combine "B" and "C" to create a new matrix. Printing out the result displays the combination of "B" and "C," with "C" appended as additional rows.

Finally, let's deconstruct a matrix by applying the "c" function. When we apply "c" to matrix "a," it flattens the matrix into a vector. Printing out the result shows that the matrix "a" has been deconstructed into a vector with elements 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60.

The same deconstruction process can be applied to matrices "B" and "C," yielding vectors with their respective elements.

I hope you found this video informative and engaging. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more exciting videos. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next tutorial!

Create a Matrix in R
Create a Matrix in R
  • 2017.04.03
How to create a matrix in R programming?Matrix can be created using the matrix() function.Please Subscribe !►Website:►B...