ChartEvent Clicks Filter


I want to filter normal clicks on chart with clicks on objects

I am using this code but its not working

//print something

How can I filter in these two types of clicks?

Rodger Sen:
{  //print something }
{  //print something }

Or simply do an "if" with the click you are interested in. You don't have to "filter" if what you really want to control is a specific click.

{  //print something }
Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:
if (id == CHARTEVENT_CLICK) {  //print something } else if (id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK) {  //print something }

Hi, The problem is when clicking on any object it detects both clicks, I only want to detect one type of click

      Print("Its a chart Click");
   } else if (id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK) {
      //print something }
      Print("Its a chart Object Click");

Each event is called separately (and in some cases, probably not this one, with no specific order). If you want only one to be called you would need to filter click events by checking manually if it hovers any object and exiting the function if that is the case, or remove/ignore the object click events and handle both cases in the click event (with the same hover check)

That would be easier with squared objects, if you are using lines then I have no experience in those things. Maybe you can try to put a transparent canvas that covers the whole screen in the background and handle its clicks as chart clicks... (I don't know if that would work, I haven't tried it!)


Limit clicks per pixel or per object, otherwise a click on an object is necessarily also a click on the chart.

Event of a mouse click on the chart


the X coordinate

the Y coordinate

Event of a mouse click in a graphical object belonging to the chart


the X coordinate

the Y coordinate

Name of the graphical object, on which the event occurred


Have you just tried printing every parameter of the OnChartEvent function?

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
   PrintFormat("id: %s, lparam: %s, dparam, %s, sparam: %s", 
               EnumToString(ENUM_CHART_EVENT(id)), string(lparam), string(dparam), sparam);
Rodger Sen:

I want to filter normal clicks on chart with clicks on objects

I am using this code but its not working

How can I filter in these two types of clicks?

      PrintFormat("id: %s, lparam: %s, dparam, %s, sparam: %s",
                  EnumToString(ENUM_CHART_EVENT(id)), string(lparam), string(dparam), sparam);
   static const ulong DELAY_TRIGGER = 1000;
   static ulong lastObjectClick     = 0;

      lastObjectClick = GetMicrosecondCount();

         printf("Chart click ONLY");
         printf("Chart click with object");

Alain Verleyen #:
//---    if(id!=CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE)       PrintFormat("id: %s, lparam: %s, dparam, %s, sparam: %s",                   EnumToString(ENUM_CHART_EVENT(id)), string(lparam), string(dparam), sparam); //---    static const ulong DELAY_TRIGGER = 1000;    static ulong lastObjectClick     = 0;    if(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK)       lastObjectClick = GetMicrosecondCount();    if(id==CHARTEVENT_CLICK)      {       if(GetMicrosecondCount()-lastObjectClick>DELAY_TRIGGER)          printf("Chart click ONLY");       else          printf("Chart click with object");      }

wow, thank you, thats amazing and working!

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